THE Volume 41 CLARION THE VOICE Of BREVARD COLLEGE CAMPUS Brevard College, Brevard, N. C., November 9, 1973 Number 4 Doctor Branson Thurston Appointed Dean, Brevard College Brevard College President, Robert A. Davis, announced today the appointment of Dr. Branson L. Thurston as Dean of the College effective Jan uary 1, 1974. A native of El Paso, Texas, Dr. Thurston received the Bachelor of Arts degree from Southwestern University -where lie graduated cum laude. He continued his graduate studies at Southern Methodist Univer sity, receiving the Master of Theology degree in 1960. From 1960 to 1963, he served as Di rector of Youth Work for the Kansas Conference of The Methodist Church, located at Baker University, Baldwin, Kan sas. Continuing his studies, he received the Doctor of Educa tion degree from Syracuse Uni versity in 1970. While at Syracuse, he was a graduate teaching assistant in 1965-66. He was appointed in structor in the Department of Religion for 1966-67. In 1967 Dr. Thurston ac- ter of The United Methodist Church, with membership in the Florida Annual Conference where he holds a number of po sitions in the area of education. While pursuing his educa tional career. Dr. Thurston re ceived numerous scholastic and leadership awards. He was elected to Alpha Chi, scholar ship honorary, and to Blue Key, leadership honorary, societies. At Southern Methodist Univer sity he was a Senior Honors Fellow, and at Syracuse Univer sity he was elected to Phi Del ta Kappa. From 1963 to 1965 he was a Ledden Graduate Fel low at Syracuse. Dr. Thurston is active in the American Academy of Re ligion, the Society for the Sc ientific Study of Religion, Phi Delta Kappa (honorary and professional fraternity for men in education) and the Religi ous Research Association. Dr. Thurston is active in civ ic affairs in the Lakeland area, including membership in the Kiwanis Club of Lakeland. Dr. Thurston is married to the former Betty Lambert of Houston, Texas, and the couple have two children, Blake Thurs ton and Blythe Lorraine Thurs ton. The new Dean and his fami ly will move to the Brevard campus immediately following the Christmas holidays. “Brevard College is most fortunate to secure the services of Dr. Thurston for the im portant position of Dean of the College,” stated Dr. Davis. “He brings excellent credentials, both as a teacher and as an ad ministrator. We look forward to having Dr. Thurston and his family at Brevard.” Student Library Services Expanded DR. BRANSON THURSTON cepted an appointment to the facultv of Florida Southern Col lege in Lakeland, Florida, and in 1970 was named Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, a position he currently holds. Dr. Thurston is an ordained minis- U. s. Steel Establishes Fund The North Carolina Tounda- tion of Church - itelatted Col leges has received $12,934 from the United States Steel Founda tion’s challenge grant j)rogram. The grant program, whose aim is increased corporate sup port for independent colleges, is administered by the Indeperi- dent College Funds of Ameri ca (ICFA) for its 39 State and regional associations. In all, the I C F A’b waexa- bers raised $l,O25i0OO in :new and increased gifts wWch quali fied under the program during the last academic year. To this amount, the steel foundation ad ded $250,000 for a net inCTease in fund - raising of slightly more than $1,25 milUon. For the current academic year, the steel foundation is providing a $150,000 challenge grant to the ICFA for new cor porate gifts. The North Carolina Founda tion of Church - ^el^ted Col leges has 25 member colleges throughout the state .mcludmg grevard College- Dear Students, I v^ant to than’k eacTi and eve^one of yon who supported the soccer team at horn ^ As you know the young m-en on the socc ^ jg ceive no financial aid and their persona _ truly a great one. Nothing inspires a team a moth of screaming, ch-eering >t ap- or lose. Never think for one preciate you — we do, every smgle . sim'ply The inner pleasure the team and would not be complete without you. I would especially to ers, Ray Rash and Mark McGuire; offi^al tim , Fritz and assistant Izzy, line runners Bn Qg_ Niles Whitaker and alternates Robert Tan^^ mond Ashmond and Charles Deberry. " gave unselfishly of their time for no pay. i J they did were big jobs that make Brevard Soccer the success it is and gives us the class we g . A special thanks also to the Cheerleaders^who have done a super job this se^on Y S “aang really great. Thanks so much Donna and the g in blue.” If I’ve missed anyone of you \ tut from the bottom of our hearts ^ every- vard College Soccer Team thanks each and every one of you! Coach Campbell and Team On the Brevard College Campus are many places which the majority of students never see or use, and then again there are the focal places that are constantly in use. One of these focal places on campus is the James Addison Jones Library and here is what’s happening there Right Now! The latest flash of informa tion from the library is that of a new arrival. The library now has what we’ve been waiting for; a copy machine. The A.B. Dicks Copier is available for the use of the student. No long er must we wait at the admin istration building to get a copy of the photograph or magazine article. The price is ten-cents per page and is availably for use during library hours. The copier is here on a trial basis. It is being r^nt^ at present vnth the rent being apiplied to the purchase price. The Brevard College Board of Trustees has made thiis arrangement possible through personal donations and as long as the operating ex- pences, are meet, it will be here to work with. Also of interest in the li brary is tte exhU>it of Spanish articles on loan to the school by Mrs. Viola Perez, the Span ish professor at the college. There are some very interest ing items in the display and several weeks and if interest you may see them until after proes satisfactory they will be the Thanksgiving break. made permanent. Among the latest changes in the library is the change of Saturday hours Instead of be ing open from 10:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. the hours will be 1:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. These new hours will be tried for While you are in the library looking at the Spanish exhibit or using the copier remember that, if you have any questions ask Miss Jane Wright or MrS. JoAnne Bryson They are al ways at hand to help you. Miracle Worker" Being Presented is brought to life by his cast and crew including Lib^ Deese an Annie Sullivan, Gma Martin as Kate KeUer, James. Barnhill as Captain Keller, Da^- vid Rutledge as James Keller,. Julia Davis as Aunt Ev, and; Keith Sargent as Dr. Anagnos. Jenny Miller will portray Helen^ and Selena Rol?^lSon, Anita Robinson, and James Block® w;El be swn, as Vney (Helw s- nursa and the Keller’s House keeper) and ilartna and Percy (Helen’s playmates.) The setting designed by Sam Cope, was materialized by the Theatre Arts workshop and is manned by Jane Burton ^nd Debbie Fleishman on props and Ruth Gavel on sound. The cos tumes are creations of Mr. Cope’s wile. Admission is set at $.75 (for students) and $1.50. Two months of dramatic sweat and effort will be cul minated this weekend in the production, “The Miracle Work er.’’ The drama which utilizes the talent of Brevard College aiid community will be pre sented November 8, 9. and 10 at 8:00 pm. The play, written by William Gibson concerns the struggle of Annie SuUiyan as she at tempts to permeate the nund of , Helen Keller and to teach her hpw to communicate. Con tinuously stTCTsed throughout the play is the idea that al though Helen’s mind is shroud ed by her handicaps, it is alive and vibrant. An underplot dCr veiops since Annie, who was reared in a state asylum, must leara to love. The play, directed by Sam Cope (Brevard Music Faculty), ,1. *jr s * r V*'. mmr ^ * STUDENTS FOCUS THEIR vard gained a berth in the Southeas- ATTENTION on the field as Bre- ern Soccer Sectionals.