THE CLARION THE VOICE Of BREVARD COLLEGE CAMPUS Volume 41 Brevard College, Brevard, N. C., February 1, 1974 Number 6 Reception Held For Dr. And Mrs. Thurston Dr. and Mrs. Branson Thurs ton were guests of honor at a reception held Wednesday af ternoon on January 23. The reception was sponsored by the faculty, staff and Student Union Legislature of Brevard College. Receiving the large crowd of students and faculty, along with Dr. and Mrs. Thurston, was President of Brevard Col lege, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Davis. The reception gave everyone a great opportunty to meet and talk with the new Dean of Stud ents over In hors d’ oeuvres. Like the Brevard students who enjoy camping the week ends away, Dr. Thurston and his family also find camping to be one of their favorite out ings. Dr. Thurston talked of his camping experiences with his wife Betty, two children, Blake 8, and Lori, 3, and oldest Government Progress daughter” Luci (their twelve year old poodle). The Thurstons own a crank- up camper and over the past two years they have traveled and camped at the Grand Can yon, Disney World, along the Blue Ridge Parkway, and Crer- okee. While camping Dr. Thurston likes to take the full day’s cooking upwi_himself for his family, and when some spare time rolls around, he and his family plan to do some camp ing in the beautiful Pisgah For est. Dr. Thiurston and family seem quite pleased with their new surroundings here on Bre vard’s campus, and love the people, the area and the stud ents. Beginning his college teach ing SVz years ago, he taught for two years at Syracuse Uni versity, New York, and for 6% years at Florida Southern a four year college of 1350 stud ents in Lakeland, Florida. He “likes teaching very much”, and is enjoying the World Religions course he is now teaching here at Brevard. In the first few weeks of this semester some areas of Brevard College have been topics of discussion between the Administration and the Ex ecutive Department of the SUL and a few other concerned students and SUL members. The main area of concern is centered around the overall at mosphere at Brevard and what causes atmospheric conditions good or bad. Discussions were held with all the dorm moth ers and the Deans abont this atmosphere. It was very pro ductive in talking over prob lems and establishing better lines of communication. Also, overall attitudes of students were discussed" in relation to Dorm life. The point was es tablished that problems in the Dorm are sometimes equated to studies and the Brevard Col lege community causing ill feel- ngs. It was felt that if the whole community could work together and talk problems ov-' er more and respect each oth ers viewpoint, then the ovcrail atmosphere of Brevard could be enchanced. Going further, discussions have been had with President Davis about a regular open visitation period and the delegation of extra responsibilities. It is felt that this could also boost the over all moral and atmosphere of the college, keeping in mind that the situation at Brevard con cerning a condusive environ ment for maturing is far above last years and also other years but still needs improvement. Other areas which are under discussion are concerning the activities involved with the in firmary. A bulletin is being worked on so as to set do^ro general facts concerning the in firmary. If problems arise stud ents are urged to tell student leaders their truobles so it can be looked into. Bicycles For Sale NOTICE The bicycles in the Student Union are now on sale. In or der to make the sale fair we are going to handle the trans action in this manner. The bikes will be placed in the lobby out front of the Tornado room in Simms Student Union. They will be numbered so there will be no discrepancies about the bike in question. After look ing at the bikes and if you want to purchase one, the following procedure shall be followed: Make a bid (minimum amount of $30) and write it down on a piece of paper including the number of the bike and sign your name. Put it in an envelope and address it to Mark Me Guire, P O Box 308 Bre vard College. Offers should be dated and received no later than Tuesday, Febru ary 12, at 10:00 ,a. m. Please give an indication as to how you can be reached. We will open the bids at 11:00 a. m. on February 12 notifying the people with the highest bid on each indivdual bike that day. After notification, ones with the highest bid have two days to pay for the bike, if not done persons with the second highest offer will be notified with the same two day stipulation and so on down the line. The Bikes will go on dis play starting Friday, February 1. DR. BRANSON THURSTON Weldon, N^w V. P. “I wasn’t associated with what was going in the school. I thought I could do more than what had been going on,” was Health Weldons explana tion for waiting until the recent special vice-presidental eleo- ton to run for public office. Heath Weldon had the oppor' tunity to run when George Howe moved up from Vice President to President to re place Stuart Krall who re signed. Now that he has been nar rowly elected Weldon plans to make efforts to unite the Freshmen Class into a more cohesive assembly with com mon goals. He is also making a plea to the students to let him know what ideas or sug gestions they have. Comments On Crisis Today many people feel they cannot trust the government because too often one official tells the people something and another official disputes it. One such issue is the Energy Cris is.” President Nixon and most personnel in the big oil com panies say there definitely is an energy crisis and the only thing that can be done about it is for people to cut back on the energy. However, Ralph Nader and Attorney General William Saxbe say that this is a big hoax to get every penny they can. We at the “Clarion” decid ed to ask some of the students what they thought about it. And here are some of the answers: William Johnson, 18, (Shel by. N. C.) — I believe that it is a hoax that is why it does not stop me from going home every week-end. Gary Johnson, 18, (Brevard, N. c.) — I definately think that it is a hoax. I think the country is going back to a con servative bourgeoisie with big business taking over. Lynn Simon, 18, (Lake land, Florida) — I believe there IS a shortage of fuel, but it is not as drastic as people make out to be. Richard Parks, 20, (Pitts burg, Pa.) — I believe its a hoax because there are eigh1 seven full tankers of crude oil i off the Gulf of Mexico. Canada did not shut off our gas and oil reserves completely. Jane Burton, IB, (Orlando, Florida) — I believe that it is a hoax and the oil compan ies are trying to make up for all the money they lost off the oil spills. Joe Hardee, 20, (Greensboro, 0 ) I think iit could have been avoided if they would have done somethmg earlier when they realized something was wrong. But I definitely be- lieve we are running low on petroleum energy. . No matter what their views are at the time, most people would go along with the gov ernment, and help out li only they were told the stra^ht truth, every once in a while and not a beat around the busti answer all the time. People have got to realize that even if there is not a fuel shortage now there could possibly be one in the future because these re sources can not last forever. ... III 7*» NOTICE The Tornado Room will be open Friday and SatuMay night untU 12:00 on trial basis, this weekend. BREVARD’S RAJAI KAYAL recently received All-American Soccer Player. See page four for story.

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