'£} Clarion 'B 7th Edition Tuesday. February 3,1981 Page 1 Milk and Egg Crates Are There Any In Your Room ? by John Irvin Milk and egg crates stolen from the Winn Dixie by Brevard College students have become a prominent issue on campus. Shortly before the Christmas break Mr. Kelly (Manager of the Brevard Winn Dixie) called Dean Scarborough about his milk and egg crates being stolen by college students and asked for the school’s help in retrieving them. These crates, which are quite handy for stacking records and carrying odds and ends, were stacked behind the grocery store leaving an inviting situation. Although a large number of the crates have come in the direction of our campus, Brevard College students are not the only people who, find the crates handv. Mr. Kelly stated, “These crates disappear all over, where ever there’s a Winn Dixie.” Realizing that Mr. Kelly could very easily press legal charges against stduents having these crates. Dean Scarborough got on the problem uy putting “warning slips” in student mail boxes. These slips informed students what could happen if they are caught with these crates. As some of the students may already know, a number of rooms have been searched and Dean Scar borough said that all the rooms will be searched by the resident tutors. He also stated “I don’t think Mr. Kelly will press any charges because the college has helped return some of the missing crates.” The main brands missing are “Superbrand” and “Central Soya”. If you happened to bring your own crates to Brevard College, from home and they are legitimately yours, it would be wise to talk to your resident tutor and have him make a record of it. If you would rather not have Dean Scarborough talk to you about disciplinary action or if you would just like to return any missing crates, go to Mr. Kelly’s office in the Winn Dixie and he will gladly accept them. Valentine’s Day by Jeff Williams The time to kindle romance has come to Brevard: Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s com panionship or compasssion, we never fail to extend care and love to others on this day. It shouldn’t take a holiday to accomplish this, but don’t forget to give the day it’s simple symbolic credit. Lay back and take an inside look at yourselves to see if a girlfriend and boyfriend isn’t being taken for granted. Renew with a flower, a card, or better yet, with romance. Brevard will celebrate the day with a Valentine’s Day dance in the gym on Saturday, February 14th ff'om 9p.m.-1a.m. Social Board and Circle K have planned to have the band Cracker perform for your dancing and entertainment. Hostages Free At Last by Richy Haymaker President and Mrs. Reagan entertained 137 family members at the White House on Sunday, January 25 before the relatives flew to New York State to greet the freed hostages. “We won’t be going with you because we feel you don’t need any outsiders,” Reagan said. •‘This is a moment for you and for them.” He then prayed to God to give them “the understanding and the patience you will need now with regard to this homecoming and get-together.” In Plains, Georgia, former President Jimmy Carter also said he didn’t want to intrude on the return of the hostages. At the gates of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, several thousand people gathered to greet the returning hostages and Iheir families. Along with the people from West Point, Americans everywhere celebrated the return of the hostages.. In Chesapeake, Virginia, Mayor Sidney Oman asked that yellow ribbons be displayed at all businesses and outside all homes until February 1st to honor the returning hostages. At St. Sebastian Church in Madison, Maine, Scouts un wrapped 52 yellow ribbons they had tied around the bell tower last November 4, on the first anniversary of the embassy take over in Tehran. by Lisa Atkins Thank God for America. Thank God I am free to move and to breathe, to live and be me. Thank God that I’m able to have my own place among all the peoples of this human race. Thank God for the beauty of this vast land created long ago by His marvelous hands. Thank God that I wake up to look at the sun and to hear the creek babbling along as it runs. Yes, thank God for all these wonderful things and for the joy that living in American brings. Thank God that I’m able to live and be me; thank God for America. Thank God I am free.