CLABJQN Brevard College, Brevard, N.C. Volume 55 Number 5 Wednesday, November 18, 1987 Men win XC title; women 2nd Just before the bus rolled out of Brevard College bound for the Nationals ^ iwaSle teams poses tor a group shot: left to right, front to back, Scott Dvorak Geoff ^ Hawk Barbara Burton (second row), Jeff Breen, Glenn MacDonald, Brad Dodson. Janice Wilder, Kelly S:rge Jeff "aj^A^e ^ MlcieUe Lambert and Coach Dave Rlnkcr. (BC News Bureau photo) Visitation hours extended, rescinded by April Woods Will we be keeping our visitation hours? The extension of the two-week trial period seems to indicate that we will. Ac cording to Dean of Student Affairs, Norm Witek, during the two-week trial period,“there were not any more students written up than there normally are.” But Witek said the resident directors agreed that two weeks was simply not enough time for a good evaluation, so the trial period has been extended to last the rest of the fall semester. Afterwards, ac cording to Witek, the resident directors will look at the pros and cons of the situa tion and make a final decision. But not all authorities think the two- week trial period was a success. According to Sharon Waggy, assistant dean of student affairs, “there were about three times as many violations.” But she says that since the extension, she hasn’t noticed any more write-ups than usual. According to Tammy Jackson, head of residential life, one of the biggest pro blems is that “more guys are probably spending the nights in the girls’ rooms, and the other way around. You know- people figure it’s ten o’clock and half way through the movie of the week, so why not just stay the whole night.” Jackson and Waggy agree that one benefit of the extended hours is that the halls are much quieter— expecially the lobbies. Without 30 or 40 people running around in that one area, there is more peace and quiet all the way around. Waggy says, “there’s been no major crisis,” and the consensus of the resident directors and Dean Witek seems to be that if this continues, the changes of the ex tended visitation hours (from 8pm to 10pm on week nights) remaining the same is highly likely. Editor’s note: As of press time on Fri day, Nov. 13, the extended visitation rights have been taken away from .lones Hal! because of visitation violations. by Kenny Monteith The Brevard College men’s and women’s cross country teams posted their best finish ever at the NJCAA Cross Coun try Championships held Saturday in Overland Park, Kansas. For the fifth time in eight years, the Brevard College men’s cross country team captured the national title. For the second year in a row, the women’s cross country secured runner-up behind heavily-favored Northern Idaho. BC also won the Nike Cup for the best men’s and women’s combined scores, while Coach Dave Rinker was voted by the other coaches as “Coach of the Year for the men. “They went out great,” said Rinker. “It was unreal; they were already in position by one mile. They really hammered the whole race.” Sophomore John Erickson paced the Tornadoes as he crossed the finish line in fifth place with a time of 24:49. Teammate Jeff Pajak secured ninth place in 25:33 and freshman Brad Dodson placed 11th in 25:36. Sophomore Glenn MacDonald finished in 13th place with a time of 25:41. Close on MacDonald’s heels, Scott Dvorak and Jeff Breen finished in 15th and 18th place in 25:44 and 25:50, respectively. These six men received All-America honors. Running with an injured foot, Geoff Moore completed the five mile race in 26:29. “They were thinking Blinn of Texas and Central Arizona as the heavy, heavy favorites,” said Rinker, “No one was thinking BC.” Brevard won the title with 43 points, while runner-up Blinn scored 58 points and third place Central Arizona scored 72 points. The Lady Tornadoes, consisting of five freshmen and one sophomore, scored 82 points, second only to Northern Idaho with 42 points. Freshman Kelli George cap tured eighth place in 18:47, just 27 seconds off first place winner Demetra Castille of Eastern Oklahoma. “I was so happy,” said George, “I started crying.” Lady Tornado Alice Gaines finished the 3.1 mile race in 16th position with a 18:52 while teammate Marjorie Hawk seized 20th place in 19:00. George, Gaines and Hawk, all freshmen, earned All-America distinctions. Janice Wilder, 33rd, and Barbara Bur ton, 63rd, added to the victory as they ran for times of 19:31 and 20:15, respectively. Coming back from an injury, sophomore Michelle Lambert finished the race in 21:20. BC President Dr. Billy Greer hired an airplane to tow a banner over the race just before the meet. The banner read: “Good Luck BC Tornadoes. Go! Go!” “The banner helped a lot. It broke the tension,” Rinker said. “The kids loved it. Everybody was staring at it.” Posters, streamers and a cake awarded the triumphant cross-country teams when they arrived on the campus Sunday night to the cheers and hugs of fans and fellow- students