The Clarion's Greatest Hits! — Summer 19*9 — Page $ Seven Brevard College students and one professor left last week for the first Brevard College Semester in Austria. Standing left to right are: Angie Rivercomb, Dario Garcia, Holly Andrews, Francis Wetherbee, Daven Davis and Sara Booker; kneeling, Thomas Leroy Herman and Professor Peter Burger. (BC News Bureau photo) Six selected for spring semester in Austria program by Lisa Mulkiti8 (Horitin Reporter Six Brevard College students have been chosen to study in Austria next semester.. They are: Ellen Dent, Katherine Ponder, Paul Frierson, Tom Sprinkle, Chris Wiener, and Eric Welborne. They are leaving on January 10 and will return May 4. These students will occupy two apart ments while in Austria. They are responsi ble for buying and cooking their own food. The apartments are furnished, supplied v.’I'h linens, and have partial maid service. The other two apartments in the complex are occupied by the visiting professor and Ms. Maggi Zednik, who stays year-round A maximum of seven s^tudents may go. They are chosen on the basis of their in terest, academic performance, number of points, and financial eligibility. These students are also interviewed. The scholarships and grants received here ap ply in Austria. The BC students now in Austria will return in December. Most went for their fifth semester, but one, Leroy Herman, will enroll at BC next semester. Brevard College’s newest dynamic duo, Sharon and Devin Brown, strike a playful pose beneath some of the stained glass ornaments they’ve made. (Clarion photo by Jock Lauterer) Sharon and Devin Brown 350BC couples said ‘Yes!’ by Heather Conrad Assistant Editor If love stories are mushy, then Brevard College has at least 350 mushy stories to tell. To date, BC has been the inspiration point, the starting place of relationships for more than 350 presently married couples. To celebrate and honor these BC love af fairs, the College will spcnsor a gala Sweethearts Weekend in June, welcoming back to BC the multitudes of married alumni. BREVARD COUEGE /y dll Two teachers together at BC^ by Heullicr Qinrad Assistant Editor Sharon and Devin Brown are a couple of teachers new to-BC. Literally a couple of teachers. And be it luck or be it fate, Sharon and Devin Brown’s adoption into BC’s faculty family is just what the college needed, and what the Browns wanted. BC needed teachers. Sharon Brown was hired to in struct P.E. and continuing education. Devin was hired to teach English and com puting. The Browns wanted to teach on a college level. BC became the answer, in the spring of 1988.