The Clarion September 22, 1993 Page 11 SPORTS PersonaljMuls Seles Wronged By Tennis Community Commentary by Wavne Richardson Jr. In history the players of professional sports, though well paid for their skills, have been poorly treated. Magic Johnson was thrown out of the NBA, the press horns the athletes constantly, and the public looks at these figures as being on a pedestal. No athlete has been dealt the sour hand that tennis great Monica Seles has. While playing in the U.S. Open, Monica Seles, ranked number one in the Women’s Tennis Association, was stabbed in the back while restmg between games. And for what reason? So the assailant’s favorite tennis player, Steffi Graff, would once again regain her number one ranking. Graff does not advocate the actions of her fans. In fact she has been quoted as saying those types of fans scare her. Security has always been a problem for the tennis community because the fans are right at the court and in easy access to the players. But the security had been warned of tlie would-be assassin before the match Seles agreed to play and paid for her trfst. Now, I don’t want to say that the security isn’t good. That’s not why I believe that Seles was treated so poorly. The President of the Women s Tennis Association granted Seles some hope by promising that she would retain the number one spot as long as she did not stay out of the tournaments for too long. But under the pressure of the other players hoping to gain in the poles, the President broke. Not only did she go back on her promise to Monica Seles but she gave the assailant what he wanted. Now Seles is not even ranked in the top ten seeds. How could she hope to trust her fellow players again, or have faith in the establishment of the sport she loves? Seles hopes to play if> upcoming Australian Open but she will have to do it cold, or with no real competitive playing in months. Will the slabbing have an effect on her playing in the future? Will she always look over her shoulder for the next would-be assassin? Or will she learn not to fear her fellow player’s egos and gre^ in her tough times? m k u'athv Fischer dodges a defensive player in the game again^ ' 5' 2-2. (Clarion photo by Henry Stepp ) Boshamer Gym Receives Needed Renovations by Wayne Richardson Jr. Clarion Sports Editor The Boshamer Gymnasium received a well-needed refurbishing, thanks to the donations and the efforts of Wilson Boshamer, nephew of Carry Boshamer, who donated the money for construction of the Boshamer Gymnasium. The main gym floor is being redone after the first floor was laid nearly thirty-two years ago. “Twenty years is a good life span for a gym flwr, so we feel that we got our money’s worth. said Coach Dave Rinker. Both the men’s and women s locker rooms and showers also received a much-needed new floor. The pool has also received a new deck surface and a new filtration system. Rinker said of the old system, “The original system took several hours to filter all of the water through and you had a buildup of dirt in the water. With the new system the water is filtered every couple of hours so the water is cleaner. . “When the first pool was put in it was only used by twenty people a day,” said Rinker. “But after a while th^' college began to endorse community involvement by offering classes, especially for the citizens of Brevard, the pool would have 70 to 100 people in ihe pool a day. The original filter just wasn’t designed for that type of use. The students of Brevard College owe the Boshamers a “thank you” for making their gymnasium a cleaner and safer place for classes, as well as for after hours activities. Lady Tornadoes To Roll Onto Court some people i" ‘h' and money, but otners na '“'"’s baske.ball has really basketball doesn’t have a pro league, but #1 this year. The women’s basketball team consists of sophomores Natasha Muldraw, Christy Shaw, Makisha Gary, Lori Musgrove and Christen Holland^ The freshmen that arc getting started with the Lady Tornadoes areLaMonica Woodruff, Michelle Garlington, Keeta Robinson, Katina Corbett, Heather Grovey and Jenny Desaigher. These girls are working really hard condiuoning and getting ready for a long hard season. Coach Carmen Nelon says that she expects continued success and great improvement. Coach Nelon also says, “We have a lot of outstanding freshman that can come in an contribute. She said that they are shooting for #1. Coach Nelon said she hopes to go to nationals. They also hope to defeat Louisburg, because Brevard hasn’t defeated them since 1986. They also want to defeat Anderson at Anderson, because it has never been done. Nelon’s goal for the team, she said, is for “everyone to work hard, stay together, win the regionals and go to the Nationals.” The Lady Tornadoes are working very hard to become #1 and they are hoping for your support.