H clarion Brevard College, Brevard, N.C. Wednesday, April 13,1994 , Volume 62 Nwnber4 eating Test Anxiety With final exams around the corner, a little organization may help your study habits by Casey Marshall Clarion Co-Editor The teacher tells the class that there will be a test on the material that you have been covering and the material you going to be going over in the next week. You study your notes way in advance and you know when you get the test you are going to ace it. Finally, the test day is here and you are stoked. The teacher hands you the test, you look at it, and your mind goes blank. Has this ever happened to you? The information that I’m going to give to you is for die students who may suffer from test anxiety. I hope this information will be helpful to you on your next test or even on final exams. A test-anxious student may do poorly on an exam even if he or she knows the material better than a classmate who is able to control anxiety. Also, test anxiety is caused by pressure, past experiences and fear of failure. Effective studying gives you confidence. Set the right atmosphere. Find a place where you can concentrate without interruption, sit at a well-lit desk or table, and don’t study when you’re over-tired. Also, develop a schedule. Mark deadlines and exam dates, schedule several short review sessions, and be realistic about how much material you can cover in one session. For any exam you take, read directions carefully! When taking short- answer exams, always budget your time. Estimate how much time you have to answer each question. If some questions are worth more points than others, plan to spend more time answering them. Do the easiest questions first. Don’t dwell on any particular question. You may come up with the answer as you work on a different question. Write what you do know, even if you don’t know the complete answer. Also, use the full time allowed. Never leave early. Review your answers, make corrections, add more information, etc. For essay exams, read all questions first. Underline key words such as discuss”, “explain”, and “compare.” Then jot down your initial thoughts. Be realistic. Answers should be logical and clear, but they don’t have to be literary itasterpieces! Use short, simple sentences to make your points. Start "'ith the easiest question. Organize your thoughts into a simple outline. Draft your answer, leaving space between 'nes and in the margin for correction and rewrites. Answer more difficult questions last When you’re fmished, go back, add any more details that you can remember and correct any errors. There are ways to control your anxiety. Don’t let emotions interfere with logic. Think about why you become anxious and afraid. Also, use your imagination in a positive way. Learn to relax before and during an exam. Here’s one technique: 1. Loosen your clothing and get comfortable. 2. Tighten the muscles in your toes. Hold for a count of ten. Relax and enjoy the sensation of release from the tension. 3. Flex the muscles in your feet. Hold for a count of 10. Relax. 4.Move slowly up through your body-legs, abdomen, back, neck, face- contracting and relaxing muscles as you go- 5. Breathe deeply and slowly. If your mind is blocked by tension during an exam, here are some tips: L Close your eyes. 2. Take a long, deep breath. (See Test Anxiety on Page 4) Spring Fest ’94 is coming to campus ^ — — hand will oerform a information on hair, si Henry Stepp/Clarion / by Rachel Christian Clarion Staff Writer . The time has come for Spring Fest 1994. In the span of two weeks, BC will be the busiest campus in Western North Carolina. Hypnotist Extraordinaire Spring Fest will begin on Monday, April 18 with a performance by Jon Lautrec, a hypnotist. At 6 p.m. he wdl hold a seminar in the Student Cafe called “Memwy Miracles: You Can Do Them Too.” . . o The main show will be at 8 p.m. in Dunham Auditorium. Lautrec is able to cause people to forget their names, count their fingers to total eleven, believe that they are invisible, and a variety of other strange things all through the power of suggesUon. Music Everywhere. During Spring Fest many musical activities will take place. On April 19, the collegiate singers will Dunham Auditorium at 8 p m- ^n Ap 24, the band One Tribe will have a concert from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the quad. The concert band will perform a “Life and Culture” series program in Dunham Auditorium April 26 at 8 p.m. Make A New You Come discover “The New You!” with our nurses from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 21, in the Rutherford Room in Myers Dining Hall. There will be a fashion show (with prizes for most original costume, funniest costume, futuristic costume and best dressed in today’s styles), free haircuts, and lots of valuable information on hair, skin and nail care from professional cosmetologists. Poets And Writers At Brevard Then join the English Department on the evening of April 21 as they introduce poet Julie Suk as part of the series. “Poets and Writers at Brevard,” at 7:30 p.m. in MG 118. Suk has published several books of poetry, and is currently a creative writing professor at (Queen’s College in Charlotte. (See Spring Fest on Page 4) In This Issue... Campus He Cotendar iBftsrs To The Editor page 7 PC^S3 V Ernie's Students Money Beor Cross page 10 For ^udents pages Students Vcfee Oromtf Cff Art. Opinions Sufvey poge6 pogeia