BREVARD C () L L E G E Krevurd, M n't Si. over Urey uni t^iM.a\L'r Yourself CLARION Women’s Basketball Men’s Basketball by Dustin Free, editor/staff writer The women’s basketball team has gone through quite a turn of events within the last 8 months, from National Championship hopeful to no coach. Things seem to be back on the upswing with the acquisition of Tammy George the new women s coach. Coach George is from Hendersonville and is excited to be back in this area after graduating from UNC-Charlotte, coaching high school for three years, coaching college for four, and a stint trying to go pro with two WNBA teams. George is what you would call a player’s coach meaning she has been there and done that. She said, I have been in their position, up by 20 and down by 20.’ She believes er experience as a player is more than just a tool in coaching, u it also provides her a view that she can only take advan age o in her coaching style. With the departure of the former women’s coach the squad was left depleted and in s am es, but 7 eligible players are motivated into turning this season in o a positive by hopefully acquiring a winning record. This year brings new and exciting challenges for the team. We have a wonderful new coach, and the team is ®xci e about what the year holds. Smart play is key to the productivity of the team, and health and good coaching are two ' that will provide longevity to the few players that are se out their 32 game season. The knowledge of winning is not something ’ only experience. This team has been on winning si and likes the way if feels; they don’t plan ‘^at. Coach George’s arrival has uplifted the spirits o P y and now they are turning their attention to the season ahead. Good luck to the Women’s Basketball team! 11/25/2003^^l|^^ by Dustin Free, editor/staff writer The Men’s Basketball program is led by Coach Mike Jones. Coach Jones is very excited about this upcoming season and his optimistic attitude is sure to lead the team to a very strong record. The team is being led by two returning seniors Reggie Perry and Phil Wilson. These two captains have played a lot of minutes in the previous season and will be looked upon to provide good examples on and off the court to provide strong leadership and to mold the new players into what the program desires. These two player are complimented by four other returning players who are expected to use their early experience to play a pivotal role for the team: former red shirt Rashad Johnson, Jared Ramsey, Kirron Ward, and current red shirt Dustin Young. Having lost five seniors from last year’s line up Coach Jones is adamant about the fact this is not a rebuilding year because he recruited heavily in the off season acquiring 13 new players, five who were junior college players and three who were transfers. It is obvious that Coach Jones is looking to these players to easily step in to the program, find their niche, and immediately become impact players for the squad. Coach Jones believes that the team will be very competitive with the new acquisitions, and the team will probably hit their potential mid way to late in the season. He thinks this will be positive for the team because it will strengthen their run at post season play in the conference tournament. Here is a list of the upcoming home games; Nov. 18th Dec. 1st Dec. 6th Jan. 8th Jan. 17th Jan.22nd Jan. 30th UVA-Wise Newberry College Alice Lloyd College Milligan College King College Tennessee Wesleyan College Covenant College Union College Paiy "irri \/irninio Intormrtnf Pnllonn