Brevard Colley The Clarion Apni 1,2004 2004 vGA Rc.:alts Peret No I..0 End,; . eted Sens Asheville’s Favori Men’s and Women s Bas^ : v.illFalfe^hSrt Environmental News^- Peregtine Falcons in the Pisgah; No Longet Endangered, but still Sensitive (Ihris 1‘aulknci Ton Stories Feaaires Editorials CamnusNews CommunitA News Environmcntnl News Snorts News Arts & Entertainment Letters to the I'.ditor Staff "It seems that every season someone who is uneducated to the Peregrine closure is seen climbing in closed areas. Every year on January 15* Steve Longnecker, a local Brevard rock climber, volunteers to post signs on trees at the base of Looking Glass Rock. In big o i black letters backed by a bright orange background the sign says, “Area behind This Sign Closed Temporarily to Protect Peregrine Falcon Nest Sites.” These signs are sponsored and enforced by e Forest Service and the Nordi Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. CTFULLARTig^ F 2 Nathan The beetle eats away at the live wood that is located just below the hark of the tree, and soon the tree is no longer able to sustain itself. ff for the s emailed to Send them to Nathan Jerkins, our environmental editor! Editor. Several trees were cut down and removed a few weeks ago across from the riding stables entrance on U.S. 276, in Pisgah Forest, North Carolina. The riding sttbles are roughly two miles beyond the Pisgah Forest ranger s^o«- page F3 Page FI bttD://www