The Clarion Brevard College April 1, 2004 Features He says....She says... He says... Ask a man who’s lost his freedom about the worst thing on earth and he’ll teU you.. .the loss of freedom. When it comes to commitment, men feel vulnerable. Instead of being the headstrong hunter, a man being pressured to commit feels like a scared litde bunny being chased by a rabid huntress. She will either get winded from the chase or she wiU overtake her pray by force, grab it by the throat, and shake it like a rag doll into submission. If we had the right to change our mind, the question of committing to anything would be null and void. If I want to commit to her, I must be sure. If I feel Uke I must commit to her, I must be crazy. My time on this planet as a free agent wiU eventually come to an end. I wiU no longer walk the earth like Cain. I win have to reevaluate my status as an uncommitted man. I may be seduced by the lure of a long-term committed relationship and become soft and comfortable with my newfound submission. And then suddenly, without warning, my huntress will exercise her right, change her mind, and be gone like a token in a slot machine, never to return. At that point I will, once again, reevaluate my status and reclaim my noncommittal life-style. I wiU reattach my walking shoes, and continue the search for the.. .true.. .meaning of commitment. She says... Ok.. .first of all, a girl cannot get a man to do what she wants him to do, period. Pressuring them to commit doesn’t work, torturing them to commit doesn’t work. He has to make up his own mind to commit, girls can t force a guy, so no walking shoes are necessary. Guys are scared to commit because of the “what ifs.” What if I commit and someone better comes along? What if I will never kiss another woman? What if I never have sex with another woman? What if I spend Ae rest of my life with this person and am unhappy? And numerous others. Another reason I think guys are scared to commit is male instinct. Since the beginning of time, men have the instinct to spread their seed diroughout the world. Men produce enough sperm in their entire lifetime to impregnate every woman on earth. Being tied down to one woman conflicts with this instinct. One last reason I can think of is diat maybe he genuinely doesn’t like you. Maybe you’re not compatible from his point of view. You have to respect his decision not to commit to you if he feels like it isn’t in his heart. iUt^y/ Page B2