Page 16 The Clarion April 19, 200S Fishing with Uncle Mullet Moonlight Jitterbugs & Morning Torpedoes by Uncle Mullet Hello again fellow anglers! Spring has definitely sprung, and Mr. Bass has been hard at work fix’n up his place for the pre-spawn dance. The big females are scoping out the best places to lay some eggs, or in other words, “who gets a rose.” So with these two factors, we have the makings of a good outing on the lake. As usual, 1 can hear some of you asking, “hey Mullet...what should 1 throw at ‘em?” and “by the way...why don’t you have your own anchor?” First off let’s talk TOPWATER! There is no greater thrill in bass fishing than an early morning, on glassy water, with a frog colored Heddon Torpedo. This little lure has been around longer than goose butter and I can tell you, I’ve caught more bass on this one, than any other topwater plug in my tackle satchel. As the Torpedo hits the water, make sure you let it sit for a spell while you scan the area around it for any movement. After all rings have disap peared, give it quick twitch, s-l-o-w-l-y reel that pup in just a hair, and then twitch, twitch, a frog swims across the surface, just before he finds himself in the belly of ‘ol bucketmouth! The propeller on the stem of this vessel, clatters and spits, disrupting the tranquil surface like a drunken teen sneaking in at 5 am. If this doesn’t get a strike right off the bat, be patient and cast back to the same spot a few more times as if to say, “good morning Mr. Bass, this is the front desk, will you be checking out today?” Your gonna hafta rustle ‘em up some mornings, but then you best hang on! When the strike breaks the surface with an explosive CRASH! you’ll know why topwater hits have a special place in my heart. Many mornings have been spent sitt’n on the dock, watching my ‘ol Pappy jerk and holler at a topwater hit, followed by a burning hot sensation of coffee in my overalls from jump’n myself At last glance, the fish finder has the water temp, right around 55 the time you read this here, it’ll probably be well into the 60’ mm...which will soon become the 70’s! Boyhowdy, 1 can hardly wait ‘til those warm summer evenings when the gurgle and commotion of the classic. Jitterbug, by our Uncle Fred Arbogast, hits the water with all the grace of a busted log splitter! There’s something about a Jitterbug that drives Mr. Bass a little looney. Now for the tip o’ the week: I have an ‘ol fish’n buddy that swears by paint’n the aluminum lip of Miss Jitterbug, flat black. For some reason he thinks the less flashy, more stealthy approach is best. You can write him for more info at the county detention center where he washes dishes when he ain’t fish’n. No topwater advice would be complete without introducing a great new plug that’s been out there on the tackle shelf for little while now, and that’s the Pop’n Image by Excalibur This lil’ bughummer comes in a few different size^ each with a lifelike color scheme and a buck tail trailer. The Godfather of bass fishing. Bill Dance, liked this one so much, he put his name onl it. Fished in a similar fashion as your new friend, the Heddon Torpedo, this plug has a concave mouth that splashes and scoops at the surface to attract you know who. Here’s the gravy on this biscuit (translation: here’s the point) any topwater fishing is great topwater fishing! And, after writing this, I must admit, I’v been trying lately and 1 can’t get a topwater hit to save my @$*! But that doesn’t mean you can’t, and anyhow I’m trying to rush things, the next couple weeks will improve our odds as the water warms a bit. Alrighty, until next time keep your lines tight, your rods bent, and your plugs on the surface, and don’t believe everything you read in those fish’n’ll get information overload, which is worse than a hungry beetle in yer’ britches! Have fun. Uncle Mullet P.S. Yer’ letters and comments always welcome, best o’ luck! Topwater lures (photo by Joel Graham)