November 4,2005 | The Clarion OPINION Page 5 Letter to the Editor: New student mascot committee formed Our generation has a major identity crisis by Matt Rutherford Arts & Life Editor Have you ever wondered what our generation will be labeled as in the history books? Can you recall anything amazing our generation has done? If not, then you’re like the other millions of young adults struggling with an identity crisis named apathy. I’m curious as to where exactly our generation is going. We have yet to even attempt to challenge the normality of our environment in any way. Our older rela tives have made their mark in history through such things as: The Women’s Rights Movement or Vietnam. While I do not dispute that great things are occurring in our own time, like improved rights for wildlife and advancement towards curing diseases, it is not “us” who are making these advancements. How unfortunate it is that we have decided to take the back seat, and let oth ers be the ones to claim what could be ours. Why are we so lazy? We should be the ones who make our homes a better place, alongside those who are already striving for such things. There is no excuse for our generation to become one that is stagnant and has no claim in history. Do we hon estly want to be remembered as the people who did nothing and watched our world go by, and possibly up in smoke? It is up to us, as the future leaders of our world, to find ways to save our planet, our lives, and our freedom. We need to be heard in whatever way is necessary. Do it through your writing or what ever medium you use to express your feelings. It is imperative that we don’t become a page that is taken out of history because we to have just eis much claim to this earth as anyone else who has lived or lives upon it. Do not fall prey to the disease of apathy that is wiping out our creativity, genius, and self worth. My advice to all of you, including myself, is get up and stop complaining. If something is bothering you, say something about it. More importantly do something about it before its too late and set in stone. In response to Adam Beeson’s article in the Sept. 23 edition of the Clarion, a number of students have agreed that it is about time to change the Brevard Col lege mascot. To be honest the “tornados” is not the most appropriate mascot for our school. How does a tomado truly rep resent Brevard? We should consider an alternative mascot to represent Brevard College. Although the previous proposal suggested the “fighting white squirrels” I think we may need to further the discus sion campus wide. What Brevard needs is a mascot that is unique to our commu nity and our student body. We need a mascot that sets us apart from other schools. In the next year or so Brevard will be making several adjustments as we enter a new division with the addition of a foot ball team. Not only will this increase the population of our current student body but it will increase community interest in our college. Wouldn’t it be fun to go to a school function and see an actual mas cot running around getting everyone pumped up? I think so. A change in the mascot would not only involve the ath letes, it would involve the entire student sent our unique campus population, one i that everyone can take pride in? Our cre ative minds can come up with a name, our artistic people could propose visual ideas, and our athletes can wear a mas cot on their chest they can be proud of In the weeks to come as our Mas cot Reconsideration Committee takes the necessary steps in the proposal of changing the mascot, we will need ev eryone on campus to participate. Within the next week a survey will be distrib uted, we encourage everyone to help by providing us with suggestions. This will be our first step in making this change. We are taking this very seri ously and we want as much input from the students as possible. An email from our committee will be sent out as well and we are looking forward to hearing from everyone. Mascot Reconsideration Committee Jessica O’Neill Andrew Allen Brandon Ball Stephanie Caracci Strickland Parks Brooks Bowers Caitlin Jascur body. We need a mascot that will repre New mascots a possibility? ^ drawing by Thom** An artist s vision of a possible new mascot