The Clarion Volume 72, Issue 2 Serving the Brevard College community since 1935 see football photos on page 6 September 1, 2006 Tornado football returns to Brevard by Joseph Chilton Staff Writer An estimated 5,500 fans turned on August 26 to watch BC return to a gridiron that had been vacant for the previous 56 years. While the Tornados fell to UVA-Wise 44-20, it was ap parent that the enthusiasm for the school’s football program is here to stay. The team, made up mostly of freshmen, gave fans a fore taste of what they can expect to see for the next few years. “I think we did pretty well for being on a college field for the first time” said Brevard Col lege football player Corey Reynolds. “By the time we’re all seniors I think we’re going to be a force to be reckoned with.” Brevard’s attendance num bers looked good when com pared to the average attendance of Mars Hill College; the area’s other local small college football BC prepares for their first football game program. The Lions averaged 2,700 fans for their 2005 home games. The Tornados welcomed photo by Chris Marett more that twice that number through the gates of Memorial Stadium for their season opener BC athletic director Tom Collins says the fan support must continue for the Tornados to be successful this season. “We can’t let the intensity of the fans slack off,” he said. Collins will start a student section, “The Storm Chasers,” at the games. BC is also partnering with K-Mart in order to help work the community into pigskin frenzy. K-Mart now sells apparel with the BC logo emblazoned across it. The store will also be come a ticket broker for people looking to buy advance tickets to the games. “I’d like to see Brevard be come a football town” Collins said. And BC student Tom Young says that this is an at tainable goal. “Everybody I know in town is pumped about the team,” Young said. SGA calls impeachment hearing for president by Adam Beeson and Tom Cowan A motion to impeach the Student Government Associa tion (SGA) president Aaron Motley on grounds that he acted in violation of college policy was passed at the first SGA joint ses sion meeting on Wednesday, August 30. Motley, who was charged with an alcohol code violation in the North Village on August 21, will now face an official hear ing during an SGA special ses sion on Wednesday, September 6 at 8:30 p.m. in MG 125, pend ing the extension of a regularly scheduled meeting. The special session is open to the public and will give sena tors and members of the house of club representatives the op portunity to consider the charges against Motley. During the joint session meeting. Motley issued a state ment to members of the house of club representatives and the senate. “Tonight I am here to ask one thing,” Motley said. “I want to ask for forgiveness and to of fer you, members of the SGA as well as my fellow students, my sincerest apology. I am not here to offer any excuses. There are none. I am solely responsible for my actions. I accept responsi bility.” Chief Justice Josh Rosen then called the meeting into spe cial session, and Christopher Dimond, a member of the house of club representatives, made a verbal and written motion to im peach Motley. The written motion read: “I, Christopher C. Dimond, would like to officially bring charges of impeachment against the current SGA President, Aaron Motley. I bring these charges, as stated under article six of the SGA Constitution and section three of the Executive Board Bylaws, on grounds that he has acted in violation of col lege policy and is thereby ineli gible for office.” Article six of the SGA con stitution, the impeachment ar ticle, states that any senator in good standing has the author ity to make a motion for impeach ment. Dimond, a member of the house of club representatives, gains his authority to make a motion for impeachment from article two, section three, which states that the house has the power to bring charges of im peachment against the executive board. Section three of the execu tive board bylaws reads: “All members of the Brevard College see Impeachment, page 2 Inside: Arts & Life 8 Comics 10 Constitution 2 Football Photos 6 Movie Review 8 News 2 Opinion 4 Matt's Take 4 Sports 8