The Clarion Volume 72, Issue 3 Serving the Brevard College community since 1935 Students share 9-11 stories, see page 6 September 8, 2006 SGA votes against impeachment by Adam Beeson and Tom Cowan On Wednesday, September 6, the BC Student Government Association (SGA) house of club representatives and senate voted against the impeachment of President Aaron Motley. The 26-member voting panel, consisting of 7 members of the senate and 19 members of the house of club representa tives, needed a 2/3 majority vote approving the articles of im peachment to officially indict the president, on grounds that he violated the student code of conduct. In a 16-10 vote, the panel was one approval short of im peaching the president. “I feel that the house and senate voted the way they did because the majority of the stu dents wanted to see me stay in office,” Motley said. “I can un derstand why some people may be upset about the decision, but this is just cutting out a step in a long process.” With over 80 BC students, faculty and staff in attendance. Chief Justice Josh Rosen opened the hearing with an official state ment from Campus Life concern ing the charges brought against Motley on August 21. According to the statement. Motley was found guilty and accepted responsibility for four different violations of the stu dent code of conduct: disor derly conduct, failure to comply, lying and alcohol. House member Christopher Dimond, who motioned to im peach Motley on August 30, then made a statement of accu sation. “None of us are above col lege policy,” Dimond said. “We have no choice but to investi gate the charges further” Motley responded to the statement by conceding to the violation and asking members of the house and senate for for giveness. “One event can change you for your entire life,” Motley said. “I am human, I messed up and I am sorry. I am bettering myself as a person from this event.” Senate and house members spent the majority of the two- hour hearing debating how the articles of impeachment would be voted upon. The original motion called for four separate votes, in accor dance with the four violations named by Campus Life. A 2/3 majority approval in any of the four votes would have been grounds for impeachment, lead ing Motley to further investiga tion. The proposal was reconsid ered, however, when members of the house and senate ques tioned the voting procedure. see Impeachment, page 2 BC mountain biking pedals into competition by Zach Browning Sports Editor Football isn’t the only sport making history in Brevard. The Brevard College moun tain biking team placed well in several events during their first competition. The six member team traveled to Johnson City, Tennessee where they com peted in four different events. In the downhill event. Will Lyons came in with the best time, winning first place in his group. Coach Thad Walker said that his time “rivaled that of sea soned downhill racers.” The Short -Track event saw Matt Wells place 9'**, and Matt Jones finished 11'**. Another rider, Jonathan Baye, suffered me chanical failure but kept on de spite having only one working pedal. In the cross-country ride Matt Wells placed 8* and Matt Moorer completed the race de spite what Coach Walker re ferred to as “tough conditions fi m 1 cess,” he said. The team began in the fall of 2005 as the Brevard College Cycling club. Its first president was then senior Thad Walker, who took the job as coach after see Bike, page 3 Matt Jones on the trail, phoa by t. waiker Matt Wells placed 8th, photo by t. waiker on the track.” Gattis Taylor placed 2"'*, closely followed by Will Lyons, lom event. Walker was very proud of his team. “Their enthusiasm and de- who placed 3'“* in the Dual Sla- termination brought them sue- Inside: Apple Festival 9 Arts & Life 8 Movie Review 8 Music Review 9 News 2 Opinion 4 Matt's Take 4 September 11 6 Sports 10