September 29, 2006 The Clarion Arts&Life Page 9 CD Review: Flaming Lips' creates synchronized harmony by IVIatt Rutherford IVIanaging Editor At War with the Mystics The Flaming Lips (Warner Brothers, 2006) Since most of you are students who live on Brevard College cam pus, and generally walk around during daytime hours, you have probably heard of a little phenom enon called the Flaming Lips dur ing your travels. On April 3'^'', the Lips released their 11**" album. At War with the Mystics. This album is by far more guitar-centered, and has an overall politically-driven statement that its predecessors YoshimiBattles the PinkRobots and Soft Bulletin lacked. At War with the Mystics is most certainly a reply to the consider able misuse of political power within the United States; however, though the message seems to be rather blase (how many power pop bands have you heard belt out their hatred for George W. in the past few years?), the music through out the album is surprisingly up lifting. The lyrics are obvious and to- the-point concerning their mes sage, but not so overwhelmingly blatant that the listener would turn and cringe from pseudo-radical statements. Something to be noted about the lyrics is that they are humorous. In the song Free Radi cals, Wayne Coyne, Lips lead singer, asks the question, “With out all your bodyguards, how long would you last?” This element of poking fun at the government’s systems is something that is in teresting. Instead of simply tak ing the President head-on, this song—and album in general—calls for the entire government to come clean, and to, more or less, straighten up. The first song released from the album was the Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (With all your Power), on March 27'*'. The song was well received in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Most of the media interpreted the track as yet another misplaced song de manding the impeachment of George W. Bush for his abuse of power The song actually asks, “What would you do if you had the power?” Coyne has said in many different interviews that this particular track is about the over all abuse of power, not only in government, but in all aspects of life. At War with the Mystics took a little getting used to on my part, because I was expecting to hear the same wispy melodies, usually accompanied by sweeping sound effects and occasional flock of string patterns found on Yoshimi. Not this time. The Lips’ 11*** con tribution to the world of music is most certainly centered on the gui tar After hearing the album the whole way through, it seems to mesh with the band’s identity more than I would have imagined. The melodies, just like those found in Yoshimi, are timeless. The instrumental change was for the best; when a band gets rutted into an old habit, that’s when they usu ally loose the crowd. Everyone who has ever enjoyed the Flaming Lips needs to go out and obtain this album. It’s worth every penny. Horoscope Aries: Friends are going to sponge up most of your time this week. Distractions aren't good for a would-be leader like yourself Your lucky color is ruby. Taurus: Pluto is back and he is going to cause you to act out. Keep yourself in check. Or don't. Drama is always interesting for everyone else. Your lucky color is diamond. Gemini: Your options should be kept open today, twins. Keep watch over whatever it is you're after because if you look away for even a second, It'll be gone like today's lunch. Your lucky color is jasper. Cancer: It's time to take charge—a rare moment for a being such as a crab. But everyone has their chance. This week is yours. Your lucky color is beryl. Leo: Social cats you are this week! School is never really a place to dig your claws into something savory like a cocktail party. The weekend holds all for you. Your lucky color is peridot. Virgo: So you goofed up a little bit. It doesn't really matter, just get over it and bounce back. Everything will work out. Your lucky color is lapis lazuli. Libra: The moon is out to get everyone this week. Including you weight conscious (get it?) people. You're probably a little ill with the world right now. Its alright. We all secretly are. Your lucky color is mother of pearl. Scorpio: Lucky scorpions, you have no moon looming in your sky. Your ruling planet has decided you will strike a fierce fury into those around you. Congrats. Your lucky color is oynx. Sagittarius: Put your weapons away this week, archers! Those anger management classes are paying off, because this week you're most certainly more approachable. Your lucky color is moissanite. Capricorn: Doing something good for your significant other may lead to something more interesting in your day. Be subtle. Your lucky color is emerald. Aquarius: Put your head up and stop moping. No one likes to see a sad sally! Get it together and show those monotone educators you can do it! Your lucky color is opal. Pisces: Around lunch today your mood will lift, probably because of some celestial body. Either way, it's a good thing because people were tired of your'tude. Your lucky color is sapphire.