The Clarion VOTE! Volume 72, Issue 10 ODK inducts new members by Jamie Michaels Opinion Editor Last Saturday, Oct. 28, the Brevard Circle of the Omicron Deha Kappa National Leadership Honor Society accepted 11 stu dents and one faculty member into membership. Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) is a national organization that rec ognizes academic excellence, integ rity, and community leadership and involvement. Application for membership is offered to juniors and seniors at the top of their re spective classes. Members are se lected based on their excellence in the five areas ODK emphasizes: scholarship, athletics, campus and community service, journalism publications and the mass media, and creative and performing arts. Brevard College’s ODK induc tions were held this year in the Francis Pavilion of the Porter Cen ter at 10:00 a.m. This year’s stu dent inductees are: Adam Beeson Kimberlee Cooper Christopher Dimond April Grist Amanda Ivey Carolyn Kauffman Erica Petit Nancy Pugh Aimee Rogers Bret Stewart Evelyn Pearson Also accepted into membership was faculty member Dr Mary Louise Bringle. These individuals deserve sin cere congratulations on their ac complishments SERVING THE BREVARD COLLEGE COMMUNITY SINCE 1935 November 3, 2006 [ ODK inductees, ieft to riglit: (rear) Christopher Dimond, Adam Beeson, Bret Stewart, Aprii Grist, Caroiyn Kauffman, (front) Erica Petit, Eveiyn Pearson, Aimee Rogers, Kimberiee Cooper Police stop fight outside Beam Hall by Tom Cowan News Editor Shortly past midnight on the morning of Thursday Oct. 26, police were called to campus to remove two threatening and dis ruptive non-students from the lobby of Beam Hall. One witness, Ryan Burleson, estimated that a crowd of between 75 and 100 students, many of them angry football players, surrounded the two individuals, who were us ing racial slurs and making threats such as T’m going to get a gun and shoot every one of you! ’ Neither of the individuals had a gun, but according to Burleson, one of the individuals was holding a glass bottle and the other was armed with what appeared to be a pool ball in a sock. According to Head of Security Stan Jacobsen, a Brevard police officer threatened to use a taser gun on one of the individuals who initially refused to cooperate. While witnesses say both indi viduals were taken away in a po lice car, only one of the individu als was arrested at that time. Ac cording to court documents, Scott Young, age 23, was arrested on the Brevard College campus on one charge of intoxicated and disrup tive behavior and another charge of communicating threats. According to Jacobsen, the other individual, William Wohlers, was not arrested on campus, but was arrested after a separate incident several hours later Court docu ments indicate that Wohlers, age 22, was arrested later that day for intoxicated and disruptive behav ior at a local Triangle Stop parking lot. What's Inside? Basketball 14 Classifieds 16 Election Information . ..2 False Advertising 1? Horoscope 11 Letters to Editor 6 Movie Reviews 13 News ? Opinion 4 Put It Away « Sports 14 Photo courtesy of Jamie Michaeis