The Clarion Volume 73, Issue 3 SERVING THE BREVARD COLLEGE COMMUNITY SINCE 1935 September 21, 2007 Brevard College gate named historical site National Register of Historic Places by the Department of the Interior by Aaron Palmer Editor in Chief Brevard College has gained prestigious recognition recently. The stone gate that we enter through every day on our way to classes was deemed an historic site. The hand laid stone work that wraps around the corner of Broad Street and French Broad Street is often overlooked by the close community. Ivy wrapping itself decoratively around the that it has been appreciated in its own subtle manor for years before ours. Gate on comer of French Broad The gate was deemed of its status by Transylvania County’s Joint Historic Preservation Commission. It was placed on the stones gives it the feeling Brevard College. New athletics facilities in the works in 1994. It now stands recognized locally and nationally. Now we can further appreciate the proud stature of our small institution when biking through quickly when late to class or even sitting in the small alcove behind Beam Administration on the smoking bench. It brightens our main road and carries the image of by Ben Goff News Editor This week BC president Drew Van Horn announced that the school is continuing to take steps toward the creation of a new Athletic Facilities Plan that will include a football stadium on campus as the centerpiece. At this time the BC football team hosts home games in the Brevard High School stadium. The college first began evaluating the possibility of constructing a football stadium in the fall of 2006 at the request of the board of trustees. This decision followed closely behind the decision of the board to establish a football program here at BC and transition to an NCAA status athletic program. The plans for the new athletics facility will be incorporated into a more comprehensive Facilities Master Plan, part of the college Strategic Plan now under development that will address the long-term needs of the has initiated a process that “involved first a group of “users” of the facilities, then the town of Brevard, and finally, the assistance of architects.” The college is now considering public comment on the institution. Full details and the proposed Athletic Facilities Plan can be found on the BC intranet. According to an email sent out by Van Horn, the college Picture from proposed plan. Students who wish to learn more about the proposed Athletic Facilities Plan or express their opinions have two avenues for doing to. Two information sessions will be held in the reserve dining hall of the cafeteria on September 25, one at noon and the second at 5:00pm. Students are encouraged to attend and voice their opinions. Students may also contact President Van Horn at president@brevard. edu through September 28 with their comments and concerns. What's Inside? News 2 SGA Report 2 Opinion 6 Arts & Life 8 Sports 13 Class 16