Page 4 NEWS The Clarion \ October 12, 2007 One environment. One simple way to care for it. Earth Share (Smc! Club Sootliaht; Sirenity a cappella singers by Ben Goff News Editor The Sirens of ancient Greek mythology were female creatures with irresistibly beautiful voices. From their lonely island they sent their songs out across the sea where unwary sailors would be lured by their charming sound and crash their ships on the rocky shore. Famed character Odysseus escaped the sirens by having his men plug their ears with wax, which will be uimecessary when the women of EC’s Sirenity a cappella group begin to sing. This cleverly named group, was founded in 2005 by BC Student Lisa Laurene, who felt that that school was missing something by not having a women’s a cappella group. According to Sirentiy director Dorothea Berry, the group “wanted to start something for girls that weren’t only interested in classical or jazz music.” Since its inception, Sirenity has performed at many venues, including Chamber and Concert Choir concerts in the Porter Center and special events such as the annual Christmas tree lighting Retraction: Dance Dance Revoluntion Contraiy toa formerly printed Clarion staff would like to take article, the Dance Dance this opportunity to apologize Revoloution Club was not for the misinformation, approved by the SGA. The ceremony held each December Berry also has high hopes that the future of the group may include quality recordings and performing abroad in addition to just singing more often and establishing themselves as a permanent presence on the BC campus. “Being a member of Sirenity is almost like being part of a family. You are all there for each other, and singing with these girls brings you all closer together,” Berry said. The group is audition-only, but the girls of Sirenity welcome others to come listen to their rehearsals each Wednesday night at 9:00 p.m. in the band room located downstairs in Dunham. Sirenity next performs at the Chamber and Concert Choir concert on Sat., Nov. 3. The concert will be held in the Porter Center and is free of chaige. You need not fear being washed upon the rocks, but you will surely be enthralled by the singing of Sirentiy. Security Report Sept. 25 Three students were caught with hallucinogenic mushrooms off campus. The incident was investigated by Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office and turned over to campus life. Oct. 3 A subwoofer was stolen from a vehicle in the Beam parking lot, the incident is still under investigation. Oct. 8 Agasi eak was di scovered in N V 5. The leak was identified as coming from a loose seal, which was repaired by the gas company. Oct. 9 A visitor on campus drove their vehicle off of the parking lot behind Green hall and had to be towed out. Several windows have been broken in Beam hall recently, and that there have been an inordinate number of calls made to Campus Security by persons locked out of their rooms. Security asks that persons who call to be let into their rooms please call security back if they are subsequently able to get in or have to leave.