H To see the newest government H HH HH H scandal, this one involving H||||ft^| I llQ I I I I I Governor Crist, see page SERVING THE BREVARD COLLEGE Volume 73, Issue 24 COMMUNITY SINCE 1935 Spanish language and culture minor arrives at Brevard College El menor espanol del idioma y la cultura llega en el Colegio de Brevard by Risa Dimond Managing Editor The ties of the world are tightening and it is clear that in there is a demand for us to become citizens of the world. Because the expansion of Spanish speaking populations, we must embrace the widely spoken language of Spanish and understand the rich heritage of large and diverse groups of Latinos throughout the Americas and Europe. The value of being bilingual in What's Inside? News 2 Cartoon 3 Opinion 3 Sports 4 Marcli Madness Odds....4 Arts and Life 5 Political Scandals 6 Classifieds 8 American Hero 8 today’s world is often overlooked but can be more than beneficial when it comes to finding a job after college, especially for teachers, medical professionals, employees of multi-national companies and social workers. With that said, Brevard College will be offering a new minor starting the fall semester that gives students, seeking to study and volunteer abroad, the opportunity to spend the spring semester in Costa Rica taking 1 2 transferable credits that include advanced Spanish language, culture, and volunteer programs. The semester abroad would include all applicable scholarships (not athletic) and financial aid for Brevard College students. The time in Costa Rica is spent living with a host family who help with the acchmation process of being in a foreign country. The host families are helpful with finding extracurricular activities being sports or playing music and want to make sure students are as comfortable as possible. Being immerged in the culture and the language is possibly the best way to improve confidence when speaking Spanish and learning about diversity around the world. While studying in Costa Rica, students will also have the opportunity to enroll in optional courses that include International business management and Independent study in Spanish language. The volunteer programs available include a wide variety of opportunities that could be related nicely to student’s majors. Eco-Projects include working with Costa Rica’s national parks, animal shelters, zoo projects, and others. Volunteering with children includes working with orphanages, soup kitchens, preschools and kindergartens, and others. Medical volunteering includes working in clinics, pubhc health centers. hospitals and more. There are also volunteer opportunities in teaching and types of community outreach programs. Prior to spending the semester in Costa Rica, students must complete SPA 301: Advanced Grammar and Composition and SPA 302: Advanced Conversation at Brevard College. Judy Hoxit, Spanish professora extraordinaire, stresses to students who may have a strong background or who have studied a fair amount Spanish in high school would benefit when testing into a higher level course. “If you studied a lot of Spanish in high school,” says Hoxit. “It is better to continue, so you don’t lose it in three or four years.” Brevard College has stepped into the process of giving their students opportunities to aspire to be citizens of the world by offering the minor in Spanish language and cultures. As it is becoming more and more important to learn a foreign language and celebrate cultures different from our own, the chance for students to study in Costa Rica is an opportunity that should not be passed up.