October 31, 2008 | The Clarion Politics Page 5 With the election coming up next weei, it is not only important that you vote, but also that you make your support for the candidate of your choice known to everybody aroundyou. To help you in that pursuit. The Clarion has compiled a comprehensive College Student's Guide to Candidate Support by Joseph Chilton and Travis Wirebacl Pundits-in-Training Voter Registration Obama supporter: Get involved with a voter registration drive and register every thing in sight. Don’t stop with just people who don’t normally vote, also register all of their relatives dating back six generations, regardless of whether they are living or not. You can even register inanimate objects (an acom, for instance) if you would like. McCain supporter: Most of your con stituency is already registered, so your best course of action is to try and figure out a way to get the three-fifths compromise put back on the books. Apparel Obama supporter: Rep your candidate with witty tee shirts featuring plays on words such as “Barack and Roll” and “A Mama for Obama.” McCain supporter: It’s not really necessary to make your allegiance known through a tee shirt with McCain’s name on it, as your seersucker jacket and boating shoes will be a dead giveaway. Music Obama Supporter: Play liberal leaning indie music whenever you find yourself around undecided voters. Sing along with Joshua James in “Crash this Train” when he sings “It smells like blood, money and oil across the Iraqi land/ It seems so easy to blind us/ but United we stand,” and hope your hipness makes voting Democrat seem cool. Tracy Chapman’s “Change” should also be included in your musical canon for obvious reasons. McCain Supporter: Any country music will suffice, as long as it shows your connection with “the core values of all Americans,” since country music, as everybody knows is well accepted by everybody in America. Diplomacy toward the other candidate Obama Supporter: You do not have to show any of this. It is completely socially acceptable to make fun of John McCain’s age, funny stature, and/or chipmunk-esque facial features. It also is acceptable to make fun of Sara Palin by attributing to her things actually said by Tina Fey in an attempt to make her out to be even more quotalicious than she actually is. McCain supporters: You must realize that the McCain sticker on your car immediately brands you as a racist in the minds of most Democrats, therefore you must go out of your way to point out that Obama would be a decent candidate if he only had more expe rience, while subtly alluding to your belief that he is a dirty Commie Muslim terrorist. Following the Race in the Media Obama supporter: Carefully try to avoid bias by comparing the views of CNN, MSNBC, and any other station that never seems to think McCain says anything even remotely evidencing his competency as a political official. McCain supporter: Hold steadfast to your faith that since Fox News says McCain is winning, all the other outlets are obviously being secretly financed by A1 Jazeera, and are therefore obviously not credible. Movies Obama supporters: Watch Michael Moore documentaries and nothing but them in order to bone up on the liberal platform. McCain supporters: Watch Mavenc^ in order to get a better grasp of the character traits of the man you are voting for DVD’s of the old TV show are acceptable, but for ultimate representation, go with the early 90’s film version. This way you will also get to watch Mel Gibson, one of the few Hol lywood stars who shares your worldview. MAKE ROOM FOR THE BEST!! 12“ SUBS WE SLXCE ’EM FRESH! - TU1UC£Y - HAM • 5WSS • THE CLUB MAKE XT A COMBO AVAILABLE AT PARTXCIPATXNG LOCATIONS FOR A LD4ITEB TIME ONLY. Customer must psysalsstsx. Notvslkllf sold, tiBnsferrsd or duplicated. Offer has no cash value. Not valid with ar other offer. Redeemable only at partldpatirtt locatians. 02008 Kahala Corp - Scottsdale, AZ. BLIMPIBS Is a registered trademarkof Kahala Corp an^/or Its sutaldlarlas. 14.0676