The Clarion Slogan of Ihc Week: Although we are also printed on acopler. wearenotcounterrelt. SERVING THE BREVARD COLLEGE Volume 74, Issue 13 COMMUNITY SINCE 1935 December 5, 2008 White collar crime ring busted up on campus In this issue... NEWS: Better get a cell phone 2 BC turns into a graveyard 2 Kids night out a hit 2 ARTS AND LIFE: Romeo and Juliet a success 5 Shop for X-mas gifts on a college student budget 4 Two views on Twilight 3 SGA: Candidate Profiles 3 SPORTS: IVIen's hoops splits pair 6 Women's hoops recap 7 ODDS AND ENDS: American Hero 8 Sign of the Times 8 Ask the Clarion 8 by Joseph Chilton Editor-in-Chief Four Brevard College students are currently facing counterfeiting charges for allegedly using a copier to print money and then use it at local businesses. The Transylvania Times is reporting that Chase Antwon Waldo, 19, of Charlotte,; TakeemRashaad Moore, 18, of Jonesboro, Ga.; Darius Shamar Williams, 19, of Henderson, N.C.; and Blake Allen Spinks, 19, of New Port Richey, Fla. were arrested on Monday for possession of counterfeit bills. According to an unnamed source, the students had tried to pass off counterfeit $20 bills at Wendy's as well as at other local businesses. According to Director of Campus Security Stan Jacobsen, the Brevard Police Department obtained a warrant for the students' rooms and found a copier, green ink, and paper The individuals were tracked down through leads from workers at local businesses. Brevard College Athletic Director Kim Pate confirmed that two of the perpetrators were Brevard College football players, and that the other two were former players who had already quit the team. I' COLLEGE Blake Alien Spinks Brevard Pohce Detective Steve Woodson told the Transylvania Times that the raid of the dorm rooms recovered approximately $600 in counterfeit bills. Each of the offending students was placed in Transylvania County Jail under a $10,000 secured bond. The charges on the students may be taken to the federal level. Jacobsen confirmed that the Secret Service has been on campus for two days during the last week investingating the matter The three students have not yet been expelled from school. " In any matter that involves an ongoing pohce investigation, we try to determine if the health and safety of the campus is at risk when making a decision to suspend or expel a student," said Dean of Students Christopher Holland. "If we feel there is no threat, then we will defer to the local courts before moving forward with any internal judicial process." If the students are found guilty at the federal level, they face up to 18 years in prison, though Jacobsen thinks that such a severe sentence is usually reserved for repeat offenders. "There is a big question mark as to how severe the sentence might be," Jacobsen said. T BBEVKHD COLLEGE Darius Shamar Williams I flBtVUnO COLLEGE Takeem Rashaad Moore