The Clarion Slogan of the week: Read us! We're one of the only American papers still in business. SERVING THE BREVARD COLLEGE Volume 74, Issue 14 COMMUNITY SINCE 1935 January 23, 2009 BC bids farewell to food service director by Thomas Lide Staff Writer John Crowe has been the food service director at Brevard College for 6 years and will be leaving the student body and faculty on Jan. 29. John has decided to leave Brevard College to be the food service director at Western Carolina University. John sees this as an opportunity for him to make progress in his career, but will miss the students and faculty at Brevard College dearly. During an interview with The Clarion, John emphasized how much he is going to miss the relationships that he has estab lished with everyone on campus and hopes that he will be able to maintain them. Bridgette Vess will take over John’s responsibilities as food service director beginning Feb. 2. She is a 14 year veteran with the company that provides food for the cafeteria, Aramark. No extreme changes will made in the caf eteria, but there may be improvement over time. Vegetarian options may be enhanced and more TV’s may be installed to help students stay better coimected to news in the world. Students can expect to see the same caf eteria staff as well. Crowe mentioned that adjustments will be made to the food court in Coltrane and that over time the coffee and smoothie sections may be moved to the reserve dining hall. Interest in adding more declining balance to students' meal plans was also mentioned. In this issue... NEWS: Campus reaction to the swearing in of our 44tli President 2 Rent some gear 4 Basletball roundups 5 ARTS AND LIFE: BJ on Waii-E: 5 stars! 7 IVIicley Rourle wrestles out some man tears from our editor 6 Tis tlie season for celeb goodness 7 ODDS AND ENDS: American Hero 8 Proof that Ohioans party much, much harder than you do 8 On-campus enrollment down 14 Vo from last fall by Joseph Chilton Editor in Chief Finding a parking space on campus last semester, when residential enrollment reached an all-time high, was a royal pain for most Brevard College students. The problem should be greatly alleviated this semester According to figures from the Brevard College Registrar, there are 591 students enrolled this semester, down from 651 last semester Even bigger than the drop in total students is the decline in students living on campus. BC Students attend inauguration Ryan Fiffick, Margaret Ann Medley, and Sara Daugherty pump their fists at the swearing in of President Barack Obama on Tuesday. 438 students are living in dorms this year, as opposed to 510 last fall. Assistant Director of Campus life said Wednesday. The drop is not unexpected, as most spring semesters have lower enrollments than fall semesters. BC had a record on- campus spring enrollment last year, with 445 students, and still saw a 28-student dechne from the preceding fall. “Our numbers our comparable to other semesters and years,” Minton said. “We are 7 off of our all time spring high.” Most upperclassman residence halls are still full, with most of the vacancies caused by the departing students leaving empty space in the freshman residence halls. Both Villages are 87% occupied and West Jones is 88% full. East Jones is only at 61% capacity, but Minton points out that 4 rooms are currently empty due to rooms being closed for repairs. East Beam is the most occupied dorm, with 96% of available space being filled, and West Beam is 83% full. Those numbers are offset, however, by the startling amount of free space in Green Hall, which is just 44% full this spring. “Green Hall is usually the building tha the least amount of students are assigned to,” Minton said.