H _ Slogan of the week: Thl0 I I with 33% less SERVING THE BREVARD COLLEGE Volume 74, Issue 16 COMMUNITY SINCE 1935 February 6, 2009 College receives solar energy grant $5000 grant to be a start towards adding a solar panel to Myers Dining Hall by Joseph Chilton Editor in Chief Brevard College has received a $5,000 grant from the Katherine Preyer Founda tion for use towards a future solar energy project, Associate Professor of Geology Dr Jim Reynolds confirmed on Wednesday. The money will go toward preliminary plans to add a solar panel to Myers Dining Hall that will allow the cafeteria, which is the largest consumer of hot water in Tran sylvania County, to due the majority of its water heating via solar energy. According to Reynolds, the dishwasher in the cafeteria requires water to be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. The solar energy panel will be able to heat the water up to 160 degrees, making only 20 degrees In this issue... OPINION: If a woman's basketball player scores a basket and nobody is there to see it, is it still worth 2 points? 4 Why you smoke in a pit 4 ARTS AND LIFE: Beej backs Bond 7 Porter Center play tix going fast 7 NEWS: "Na, na, why don't you get a job?" 2 Rock hard art found on campus 2 SPORTS: Diamonds are forever 6 Basketball roundup 6 ODDS AND ENDS: American Hero 8 Pop Culture Grid 8 Cartoon! 4 of the heating being forced to come from electric or gas power “This will slash the power bill drasti cally,” Reynolds said. “Just heating the water with this panel will cut about five- sixths of costs.” There is no current timetable on the proj ect, which will cost up to $75,000. It is Reynolds’ intention to use the grant money to attract more donors for the project. “Our intention is to take the $5,000 and ask people if they can match it. Ideally we will fund this project entirely through private donations,” Reynolds said. Reynolds, who wrote the grant proposal, was given the opportunity for the project at last spring's Wildacres Retreat in Little Switzerland. At the retreat Reynolds met with representatives from the Katherine Preyer Foundation who expressed interest in the project. photo courtesy J. Reynolds A grant written by Dr. Jim Reynolds was recently given to the College. The money will go towards a solar energy project on campus. While the current plans are still in devel opmental stages, Reynolds stressed that the money will go towards helping the college achieve its goal of sustainability. There's still time for adventure Voice of the Rivers to fieid appiications untii Feb. 13 by Tina Holland Faculty Contributor May 31- We woke before the VOR 2009 expedition faculty leaders Robert Dye and Tina Holland will be leading students on a paddhng adventure down the Catawba/Wateree River. This trip offers challenges, adventure, academ ic LINC credit and more. The trip dates are May I6-June 2, 2009. Feel free to call, e-mail visit Rob ert or Tina for more information. Interested students should prepare an ap- phcation letter including the following: •Summary of your academic plans and sun arose which led to an early morning breeze and productive day of paddling, the river being still calm,peac(^l and cool. ” -Merek Slagle VOR 2008 student blog how you see this expedition fitting into your education. •Description at least three attributes that make you a strong candidate. •Summary of any experience in water- based activities, working in small groups, camping, cooking, and/or adventure travel. •List two individuals who would serve as references who can speak to your qualifi cations to meet the preceding three criteria. Please provide contact information. The cost, including tuition, will be $ 1,900 per student. Student applica tions must be submitted electronically by Feb. 13,2009, to JonesJW@brevard.edu in the Office of Academic Affairs.