The Clarion Visit us online at Volume 75, Issue 13 SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935 Dec. 11, 2009 Voice of the Rivers 2010 Trip plans, costs, and information provided for the Voice of the Rivers expedition in Spring 2010 by Travis Wireback Editor in Chief The Voice of the Rivers trip information for 2010 has been announced. Voice of the Rivers (VOR) is an expedition which focuses on the interdisciplinary study of a river from its beginning to its end. This trip is sponsored by the college, but it will cost students $1975 to participate and students must have their apphcations in by February 1,2010. VOR is a 6 hour course which fulfills the Learning in Community (LINC) requirement combining ORG 290 and WLEE 290.The trip will take place May 16 through June 2 with two training trips taking place March 13-14 and April 9-11. This year, the VOR trip will take place on the Yadkin-Pee Dee River This trip gives 10 students the opportunity to follow the Yadkin-Pee Dee from its watershed in Blowing Rock to the Winyah Bay in the Atlantic Ocean, north of Charleston, S.C. This is a 300-mile trip entirely done in sea kayaks. Participants will be camping nightly, so students should prepare for not only the difficult task of paddling 300 miles but also living in the woods for the duration of the trip. The main focus of the trip is to study Communication Analysis and Design, River Recreation, Conservation, and Education. No prior experience is required, as you will receive all the training necessary to complete the trip while completing the trip. All necessary equipment and food will be provided by the college also, as part of the $1975 tuition for the course. However, students are required to provide their own personal clothing and footwear. The trip will be led by Jenny Kafsky and Cameron Austin this year and is open to all students. Get you applications in early and for more information, please contact either Jennifer Kafsky or Cameron Austin. Above: Several members of the 2009 VOR trip In this issue... NEWS: Farewell from Tom 2 Debate Tournament 2 Student Q’N’A 3 ODDS AND ENDS: Comic by Karam Boeshaar 4 American Hero 4 The Clarion would like to wish everyone good luck on their finals and a safe trip back home! Happy Holidays and we look forward to next semester!