THE Clarion Volume 76, Issue 17 Web Edition SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935 Students give tlieir picls. see page 5 Feb. 4, 2011 VAN HORN RESIGNS \A/f// continue to serve as BC president untii !\/iay 31 After serving eight and a half years as president, the Brevard College Board of Trustees and Drew Van Horn announced Tuesday that Van Horn has resigned but will continue to serve the College through May 31. In a letter to the Board of Trustees, Van Horn said, “After great thought over the holidays, I have decided to announce my resignation as president of Brevard College.” He added, “While I have enjoyed my eight and a half years of service to this tine institution, I would like to pursue other opportunities which have presented themselves. We have accomplished a great deal during my tenure and I want to thank the faculty, staff and especially my senior administrative team for their diligent and visionary work to position Brevard as a well In this issue... Campus News: Dance Marathon 2 BC goes back to the '80s 2 News: New trailwork in DuPont 3 Comic by Karam Boeshaar 3 Sports: Sport Spot student athletes 4 Tornados travel to Erskine 4 Super Bowl preview 5 BC athletes subject to drug testing 5 Opinion: Super Bowl point-counterpoint 6 Devil's Advocate 6 Arts & Life Chef Boy-ar-Dave 7 Book review: Patton Oswalt 7 Odds and Ends: Gridiron Crossword 8 respected four-year College.” The news has left many shocked in the BC community, including associate professor of religion Thomas Bell. “I really am so surprised,” he said. “I’m waiting to hear more about why and what happens next.” Others looked reflectively on Van Horn’s time at BC. “While President Van Horn’s announcement ushers in a period of transition on our campus, I am confident that faculty and staff will remain focused on continuing to provide an outstanding educational experience for our students,” said Dean John Hardt. “I am grateful for Dr Van Horn’s leadership which has produced a foundation on which we will continue to build.” Many are turning toward the future with optimism. “Be appreciative of the leadership provided by Dr Van Horn,” said Shirley Arnold, associate dean for student success and director of the AEC. “Embrace this time of transition to help make it positive for the campus.” Senior Kat Henry said, “We should encourage alumni to be a part of the search for a new president.” Reg Heinitsh, Jr, chairman of the Board of Trustees, said that the Board is appreciative of Van Horn’s leadership during his presidency. “We will move efficiently and effectively to find an exemplary replacement for Dr Van Horn,” Heinitsh said in an E-mail sent out Tuesday. Director of Medical Services Susan Martin tried to ease tension Tuesday, “Don’t worry,” she said, “this is a normal part of college life.” Q&A with Drew Van Horn In light of his resignation, president Drew Van Horn reflected on his time at BC with the Clarion: What has been your greatest contribution to BC? What accomplishments are you most proud of? I do not know if I personally have contributed much to the College. I am most proud that we were able to set a strategic plan for the college that was inclusive and identified our values and our goals. I am also proud that we have been able to be recognized as a well respected four year college. You have worked at several other institutions. How does Brevard compare to other colleges? Brevard is smaller in size than any of the Colleges with who I have worked, but it is much bigger in heart. We have an atmosphere that I believe is truly conducive to our educational mission. Engagement and service are not just words here; they are values and I have enjoyed watching them being lived out every day on our campus. What will you miss the most about BC? The students, faculty and staff We have the best students. Their energy, excitement and passions have made my eight and a half years wonderful. I will miss the dedication of our faculty and staff and their commitment to our students. They are truly educators and servants. This place is better because of them. What are some things you would have liked to have seen done during your time here? Do you have any disappointments or regrets? I wish that I could have generated more support for retiring the debt on the performing arts center This one facility, while beautiful, has no direct stream of income except for tuition and fees. This required us to divert those dollars away from programs and other important items, in order to pay for the debt and operations of the facility. Another regret is that I was unable to raise faculty and staff salaries as I wanted to do. They are fine, dedicated people and I am saddened that I was not able to increase their compensation as I had wanted to do. Is there any one member of the administration that helped you to achieve your numerous accomplishments? Wow, talk about putting a person on the spot! I will name two because they have been with me the longest. John Hardt, our VP for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty is a great leader and academician. He worked with our great faculty to establish a new Core Curriculum, develop see 'Q&A' page 8