Th Clarion \ \ \ I I Y Volume 77, Issue 7 Web Edition SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935 Oct. 14, 2011 Clarion staff meets Dr. David Joyce By Park Baker Editor in Chief Incoming President Dr. David Joyce found time in his busy schedule on Wednesday to sit down with the Clarion senior staff. We got to know the man whose friends affectionately call “Dr J,” and he shared his vision for Brevard College with us. Highlights from the interview are below. Video of the entire interview is available online at Clarion: What brought you to Brevard College? I understand you’re an avid cyclist. Did that have any bearing on your decision? Dr. J: A thousand miles of single-track in my backyard? Not a bit of a decision, really. The short version of the story is I’m from North Carolina, this is home, where my family lives. My wife and I were already considering where we wanted to live in retirement, and we vacation here often. So when the presidential search committee first contacted me, the representative said to me “David, are you and Lynne ready to come home?” I said... “Oh you’re good.” I’m a Methodist minister, Brevard is a Methodist school—this is home for me. I’ve been president of two other colleges that have had similar challenges to Brevard’s , so In this issue... Campus News: iPhone 4S ? Alternative fall break 3 CAB 3 Bree McMahon 4 Semester at sea 4 Arts & Life: Moog Fest 5 Comic by Karam Boeshaar 5 Campus unicyclist fi Sports: Volleyball 7 Soccer 7 Odds and Ends: This week in history 8 I guess this what I am supposed to do. I’m looking forward to doing it. Plus a thousand miles of single-track. C: Do you like mountain biking or road biking more? Dr. J: What was the second one? (laughter) wife and I have road bikes, but they don’t get used very much. They have these things on the road called cars... .they make me very nervous. Lynne (my wife) and I did a thousand mile road ride for breast cancer a fewyears ago, but we’re avid mountain bikers. C: Do you have a favorite trail here? Dr. J: Yes, I love the slick rock (Big Rock) trail in DuPont State Forest. Like everybody in this part of the world our dog is named after some trails, Tsali, we rescued her on the way to those trails. C: I was reading your profile and I understand you are trained as a psychologist, is there any specific area of psychology that interests you? Dr. J: Organizational psychology and human resource development. All those are fancy ways of saying leadership. C: Have you noticed anything that is lacking (academically) from Brevard College? Dr. J: We always tend to focus on what is lacking, rather than what we have. Looking at the curriculum for a school this size, it seems pretty broad based. I would like to have time to meet with faculty and see what they think. I think what is exciting about Brevard’s curriculum is the development of this experiential education program (WLEE), I think that’s very avant garde and a case for the future. C: Is there anything else you would like to see here? Athletically, academically? Dr. J: Truthfully, it’s too early for me to make those distinctions. I would like to see the college take advantage of its location, and I think the board is on the same page here. It’s one of the things that make it attractive to me as well. Taking advantage of the college’s reputation also, when I tell people The Clarion met this week with Dr. David Joyce, who will take over as president of Brevard College in January. in Wisconsin I am going to Brevard College I get compliments on the music program here. Investing in fine arts seems worthwhile. C: Do you have any plans for improvement on campus and in the larger community? Dr. J: We need to grow. The colleges’ footprint is too large for the number of students we have. Improvement comes with growth. We have to figure out what it takes to do this, by enhancement of opportunities and improving relationships with the larger community. We don’t want to be a boutique institution, we need to attract and retain more See 'Joyce interview,' page 3 Scan it! Get the filmed interview liere!