Th Clarion Volume 77, Issue 12 Web Edition SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935 Nov. 18, 2011 YPBC to hold Bread of Life benefit concert By Harmony Whitt Contributing Writer Bread of Life serves an average of 180 meals a day. That number goes up in the winter as their resources for fresh produce dwindles. Young Professionals of Brevard College (YPBC) have collaborated and is hosting a Winter Solstice benefit concert for the Bread of Life. Over the past 6 weeks, YPBC has been collecting canned goods from campus faculty, staff, and students via donation boxes scattered around campus. The YPBC believes that giving back to our community is something that is essential and should be celebrated. In the spirit of thanks and giving, YPBC Presents the Winter Solstice Benefit Concert for the Bread of Life. We would like to invite BC students, faculty, staff, and our In this issue... Campus News: life is what you male it’ ? Chewing Tobacco ? Security Update 3 Campus incident 3 Caf creations 4 Prison bools 4 Photo contest 4 Arts & Life: Slyrim review fi Comic by Karam Boeshaar 7 Rocl climbing 7 Star Gazing 8 Cab corner 8 Local club listings 8 Senior art show 9 Smartphone hacking in Sports: Football all-conference 11 Odds and Ends: This week in history 1? Transylvania community members to attend this benefit concert. We will have the Zach Douglas Band, Opus, and XO throwing down some jams. The event will be Thursday, Dec. 1 at 8 p.m. (Doors @ 7) in the Porter Center There will be drinks, refreshments and merchandise that can be purchased. Admission is free but we ask guests to assist us in our endeavors to help replenish the Bread of Life’s food inventory by bringing a canned good or non-perishable food item. It is getting close to finals so take it easy, relax, and come listen to some live music on your campus! For more information, check out our website! www2 .brevard. edu/YPBC Christian Lumbu @ 336 937-2655 Harmony Blue @828 713-3091 (left to right) Harmony Whitt, Rory Northam, Ki'era Gash, Rashad Dirton, Eril Hearn, Jordei Osby, IVIarly Garman, Prince Simunyu, Ashley Allen, and Chris Lumbu Poverty panel at BC ByThea Dunn Layout and Design Transylvania County has more volunteer hours per capita than any other in the state. It is ranked third in the nation. On Tuesday, BC Serves put together a ‘poverty panel’ open for whoever wanted to attend. The panel consisted of Michael Collins, director of Bread of Life, Chris Nolan, director of The Haven, and Jennifer Kerr, assistant director of The Haven. Throughout the panel students asked an array of questions concerning the work that the three of them do as well as questions about their organizations. The Bread of Life is a community kitchen. Anyone can go in and receive a hot meal. They serve almost 1000 meals per week. That is 200 meals a day. There are no requirements to receive food; if you need it you get it. The Haven opened for business on Oct. 31 and currently is home to 4-7 people at a time. The Haven assists homeless families and individuals in crisis by providing safe, temporary refuge in a clean, comfortable shelter Because The Haven is so new they need volunteers desperately. When asked what See 'Poverty,' page 3