Page 6 Arts & Life The Clarion | Dec. 2, 2011 'The Muppets' movie review By BJ Wanlund Contributing Writer It is an honor and a privilege for me to review the new Muppet movie, simply titled "The Muppets". To give you guys a bit of background. I've been a Muppets fan for about as long as I can remember My mom used to plop me in front of the television to watch Sesame Street at first, then it was Muppet Babies, and then it just went crazy from there. And then there were Muppet movies out the wazoo, my favourite of them being Muppets Christmas Carol. So, you can pretty much call me a Muppets superfan. And yes, there were some turkeys (the main one being Muppets Wizard of Oz), but I was so thrilled that a new Muppets movie was coming to the theaters. I was incredibly skeptical that Jason Siegel and Nicholas Stoller would pull off the miracle to end all miracles, a Muppet movie that didn't totally suck, but they somehow managed to make a movie that is definitely better than the last project the Muppets did. The Muppets Wizard of Oz (a turkey in every sense of the word). In order not to bog this review down too much. I'll just say what I thought were the good, the bad, and the ugly. The Good: Almost all of the musical numbers worked for me, including the numbers that were sung by people not for the Muppet movie that backed montages, etc. The new Muppet, Walter, was really the perfect character to not only allow Muppet fans like myself to live vicariously through him, but also allowed the new little kids that were being introduced to these characters for the first time to have a proxy as well. One of the previews was for a movie that Disney is distributing in the US called The Secret World of Arrietty, based upon the book The Borrowers. Hey, for me it's a chance to get acquainted with the property before late February, when the movie hits theaters. The exit strategy Gonzo had for his business was utterly ingenious and hilarious, and the business he... erm... exited was totally in line with his character Geek Scooter (which was only in Muppet Babies) is now canon! I admit I loved this neat little 1 second of film in the montage where the gang comes back together, but I must give credit where it is due, and artist Amy Mebberson, who has drawn a few of the Muppet comic books that BOOM! Studios put out whom I follow on Twitter and GetGlue, gets that credit. The Bad: The villain is way obvious, with obvious motives and a facade that, once you see it, will be almost obscenely obvious. It doesn't help that the villain song that Tex Richman "sings" is so hilariously pointless that it could have been excised from the movie altogether and the plot would still have been advanced properly without the need for such a song. There wasn't nearly background on why Animal was in the court-ordered anger management session we find him in when the Muppets came looking. I do not believe that we Muppet fans should be left to fill in the blanks, but I felt like several key moments from this scene were left on the cutting room floor to make room for the above mentioned pointless villain song by Tex Richman. Amy Adams's character, Mary, is shown to be an elementary school shop teacher in Smalltown, USA, but as I got to explore her character throughout the course of the movie, I found her character to be very bland, which is unfortunate, because Amy Adams is a good actress, but I felt that they didn't give her very much to work with there. Some of the Muppet characters seemed to have some interesting new back stories that, my guess is was cut to keep the movie from being a three hour affair I hope that Disney gets to explore these back stories later through either short films or DVD/Blu-Ray bonus features. The Ugly: The first version of The Rainbow Connection, the song you hear in the Reno casino when Kermit, Gary, Mary, Walter, and Kermit go in search of Fozzie, is so sleazy and sacrilegious that it makes several of the awful songs in Muppets Wizard of Oz seem way better in comparison. There is a Toy Story short, called Small Fry, that comes on after the previews but before the main feature that is not my idea of fun. I know, Disney doesn't have one lick of confidence in The Muppets doing fine WITHOUT Pixar intervention, but this short film is not one of those which I wish to make its acquaintance ever again, it's seriously that bad. Of course, it's mainly because it reminded me almost eerily of the first Toy Story, which I did not enjoy nearly as much as I did the second one. 4 out of 5 Kermits Brevard College Debate Society hosts 10th annual debate tournament Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. in the Reserve Dining Room. At 6:30 Dr. Sheffield's BCE 111 class will perform a Monty Python inspired skit. The topic is “The United States should take significant steps in reforming the American education system^^ Affirmative construct: Austin Flemming and Olivia Fawcett Negative construct: Chantel Azevedo and Kyle Jackola Debate Judges Shelton Jones Joe McGuire Hon. Robert Cilley Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Chief District Judge Debate judge for 10 years Debate judge for 10 years Debate judge for 5 years