Page 2 Campus News The Clarion \ Oct. 5.2012 SGA finalizes homecoming plans and events By Patrick G. Veilleux Editor in Chief The Student Government Association held a meeting in the Reserve Dining Room to discuss the final preparations for Homecoming. SGA President Elise Labus emphasized that the Student Government would be working to create new school traditions during Homecoming Weekend. Homecoming Weekend will be all the more important because of the Presidential Inauguration on Oct. 12, so it was made very clear that the campus would be more festive than prior Homecomings. At the last meeting, the theme was unclear for Homecoming, but the SGA Executive Board decided that the theme for Homecoming would be “No Place like Home.” Labus said “All the banners for Homecoming will be as sociated with ‘There’s No Place like Home.” Groups designing banners will have certain requirements, these include: the aforementioned theme in some way, the banner must have Brevard College Spirit; SGA says that there must be “BC” somewhere on the banner, some sort of identifier of the club that the banner represents, and finally as SGA so passionately puts it “No Glitter.” Most importantly, SGA wants to establish a kind of uniformity. Speaker of the Clubs Rory Northam said “We want to try and make these banners as blue, white and black as possible; if your logo involves other colors, that’s fine, but try to keep it just to your logo. But anything else on your banner: the bluer, the whiter, the blacker the better.” The Banners will be used to decorate several units the Villages, probably the first, second and third units of North and South Village. All completed Homecoming Banners are due Oct. 8, submitted to the Campus Life Offices. Labus said, “We’re hoping to cover this place in banners, let’s make this place awesome.” SGA will also be building a connection with visiting Alumni and will be putting together boutonnieres for the Alumni that are planning on being present. Boutonnieres are decorative floral arrangements that men wear on the lapel of dress jackets and collared shirts. The Campus Board of Activities will be hosting and running most of the other Homecoming Events, for information or opportunities to help out see our CAB list of events or talk to Rachael Barrow and Liz Birolin. SGA has also begun planning to reinstate the Campus Activities Fund for student clubs and organizations. The Clarion will be doing a thorough piece on the proposal in the next several publications but what can be said about it now is that $50 or $100 maybe. This would be added to semester tuition costs in the future to help create budgets for student organizations. Director of Student Engagement Le Tavoloni said, “This could substantially increase the financial opportunities for student activities, and it’s not set in stone. We need to continue to gather more information from senators to create specifics. This will not be confirmed until sometime next semester by Campus Homecoming has arrived Life.” As a point of reference, small colleges similar to BC usually charge $200 to put towards a Campus Activity Fund, while larger schools usually charge $500. If the Campus Activities Fund were put through the earliest it would be enacted would be Spring Semester 2013. Tavoloni said, “With the whole student body’s help it could make a huge difference for elubs and organizations.” Progress is being made on the issue of the use of the weight room in Boshamer Gym. SGA Senators will be seeking signatures of students who intend to use the weight room regularly. This petition will advocate the students’ desire for the weight room’s aceessibility to athletes outside of practice and non-athletes. To find your Class’s Senator, see the Senatorial list on page 3 under the weight room article. Senators will turn in these petition sheets to the SGA office in Coltrane Underground or to Student Life Activities Coordinator Mark Mosely within the next several weeks. Senators should look for an email from SGA Secretary Carolina Anderson this weekend, which will have the petition. by Andrew Gunnin