Page 2 News The Clarion | Oct. 19.2012 Job fair trip was big hit By Rachel Coates Contributor In this economy and all the promises of “getting America back to work,” a job fair took place Tuesday, Oct. 16 at UNC-Asheville with quite a few companies offering opportunities for internships, summer jobs and graduate school. Four students attended the event with high expectations for finding summer employment, internships and possible graduate programs. All of the stations had something to give away, whether it was pens/pencils, shirts, mugs, bags or facial products. For some students it was difficult to find employment or a graduate school offering a major pertinent to the one they are currently completing here at Brevard College. One of our students was interviewed by ABC news. The reporter asked why we were here, what we thought about our options for jobs, and do we feel confident about finding a job after graduation. It was exciting for this student to be interviewed. “I’ve worked with reporters before, but I never had the opportunity to be interviewed on TV,” she said. The job fair had a great turnout, mostly of UNCA students, but for the group that went from Brevard College it was a success as well. On the ride back to the college, one of the van’s tires made a popping sound, as if it had worn thin and burst. The van made it to exit 37 on 1-26 until the driver decided it wasn’t safe, and pulled off the interstate. The students waited off the exit until another van from the college came to pick them up. It took the van about an hour to get to the students and driver and they made it back to the school safe and sound. Rain or shine: we paddle An update on this semester's immersion group tasks By Olivia Fawcett staff Writer This week the Immersion team had its rock climbing session. On Monday, we had Ground School with Ryan Donovan, which means we “climbed” the extremely technical Mount Ross Hall, and from there we learned how to make anchors for climbing. Unfortunately, due to health problems, I could not participate in the anchor building out in the field. However, from what the other members of the Immersion team are saying, it was really fun. They spent Tuesday and Wednesday setting anchors for rock climbing. It looked like a lot of fun! And even though I could not actually go out onto the rock and actually build the anchor, I learned how to make an anchor and how to tell if the knots are tied correctly. On Wednesday, the group went to the South- side of Looking Glass and built the anchors for Clyde Carter’s WLEE 101 course. Clyde’s entire 101 course made it back in one piece, which means that the anchors were built correctly. So that is definitely a good sign. On Thursday October 18, the Immersion team took the Brevard College leadership team on a sea kayaking trip on Cascade Lake. It was a great opportunity for us to train to become outdoor leaders, as well as get to meet and know members of our Brevard College Faculty. Despite the rain and cold weather, we braved the elements and paddled out on the lake. Lawton Jeffords even agreed to demonstrate the wet exit to the faculty team, and I can definitely say that the water was cold. After demonstrating the wet exits, we gave the faculty the chance to perform the wet exits if they wanted to. After a moment of silence, we had no volunteers. Luckily, shortly after a quick paddling lesson, Scott Sheffield volunteered to perform a combat roll and flipped his kayak over, if this was intentional or unintentional, I cannot say. This was a great time for the Immersion team to show off their skills by preforming a T rescue. After the rescue, we paddled from Cascade Lake up to Hooker Falls. Despite the cold weather, the trip was a blast! We got to really experience how to be outdoor leaders and what it would be it would be like to lead a group. The group is working hard to get the 21 day trip put together, and today is the last day of planning we have before we head out on October 30! To say that we are excited would be an understatement. (left to right) Susan Cothern, Deb Hall, Chad Holt, Debbie Bowman D’Anna, Scott Sheffield, and President David Joyce head out on the water next to this semester's WLEE immersion students.