www.brevard.edu/clarion Volume 78, Issue 17 Web Edition SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935 This day in igsg- go on to become thTi '^ould Broadway show Jan. 25, 2013 President speaks: BC updates infrastructure By Patrick G. Veilleux Editor in Chief With the flooding of the Dunham Music Center’s basement, students may be worrying about the integrity of other structures around Brevard College’s campus. BC President David Joyce responded to the Clarion regarding such concerns among the community. Joyce said “You can’t anticipate everything that happens, but thankfully we have insurance.” More than a few buildings on campus have been around for a very long time, and some people may have wondered, if parts of Dunham have proven faulty, what about the other buildings? In particular, what about the dormitories? “Our plans are very preliminary, but we want to make some significant structural improvements in residence halls, very expensive but I think we need new windows, roof repairs and a card access system. We want to improve safety and security in the residence halls.” Joyce said. The updates will also include improved furniture and common areas. Joyce assures students, “Whatever happens, the residence halls will look better next semester than they do now, though I think they already look pretty good now.” Joyce has noted that the updates will mostly apply to Beam and Jones. Most of Brevard’s “The focus on the living environments of the students will continue to be a high priority for this college.” students live in these two buildings, so this is where the most students will be impacted by the changes. The BC administration is in the process of planning and finding funding for the projects, which will, in time, give a more accurate picture of things to come. Another construction priority in the future will be Taylor Hall. Joyce said “We’ve 2013 Summer Job & Camp Fair Thursday, February 7 Ham—2pm In the Reserve Dining Room of Myers Cafeteria Looking for a summer job or longer-term employment in the outdoor industry after graduation? Bring your resume & meet: regional outdoor organizations, camps, guide services, & seasonal employers • Network with professionals • Land your summer job Don't miss out! All majors, faculty, staff, & the com munity are invited to attend. For more info, con tact Nacole Potts: 884-8249, jobs® brevard.edu Sponsored by the Office of Career Explora tion & Develop ment, Brevard College had some inspectors look at Taylor, just to figure out what it would cost to rehabilitate it. It’s going to be expensive, but you can’t have an unused historical building, and it’s deteriorating.” Joyce has acknowledged that there are also plans for the Dunham Music Center and the Porter Center in addition to the needed repairs. Over the summer Myers Dining Hall will receive a few updates, mostly aesthetic. The problem with a plan is that it takes money to implement. Joyce has suggested that there are three ways to acquire funds for the college plans. “We have lots of needs. How do you pay for them? One way is to borrow, there’s no appetite to borrow more money. We would have to pay it back, and we’ve had to borrow a lot. We could charge students more: raising the room rates. Or, fundraising, which is our first priority.” Joyce added “Big projects, which we are not ready for, would require a mixture. We’re sticking with fundraising, and primarily we will be investing in the safety and security of members of the community.” In this issue... Campus News: Voice of the Rivers ...2 SGA Beat ...2 Arts & Life: Brevard Brewing Co ...3 Music Professor's Research.. ...3 Fine Arts Gala ...4 Peer-to-peer Crisis Hotline.... ...4 Opinion: Various Cafeteria opinions ...5 Sports: Women's Basketball ...6 Lacrosse ...6 Men's Basketball ...7 Cycling ...7 Odds and Ends: Events Calendar ...8