Happy Spring! www.brevard.edu/clarion Volume 78, Issue 24 Web Edition SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935 March 22, 2013 Housing rumors revealed By Olivia Fawcett Copy Editor Last Tuesday, I sat down with Elizabeth Abrams and Michael Cohen to discuss the housing policies that will be instigated in Fall 2013. There are currently two rumors floating around campus that have caught every student’s attention: that Green will become a freshman dorm, and that students who are at least 21 will be allowed to drink in their rooms. Both of these rumors are true. Because there have previously been more male than female freshman. Green will become an all-male Freshman dorm. Instead of dividing the incoming freshman throughout campus, there will be two freshman dorms. Beam and Green. Beam will be co-ed, while Green will consist only of males. There are no longer “dry dorms.’’ All students who are of the legal drinking age will be permitted to drink alcohol in their room, regardless of what building they are staying in. Group housing will also be offered again this year. If a group of friends wishes to live in the same village unit, then they may submit an application to Campus Life. Ideally, this will create a sense of commimity and diversity within the student body. However, an NCAA rule states that no more than 25% of any athletic team may reside on or in a particular floor or unit, and that no more than 50% of a unit may belong to a single team. What is happening to East Jones you might ask? Very similar to what Green has been. East Jones will be offered as an inexpensive living space, particularly for students of sophomore status or higher who prefer single rooms. The floors will be divided by gender. The housing lottery is upon us, but if you have not been preregistered, you CANNOT apply for housing. The lottery will be divided up by both class and the academic standing of individual students. For example, if you are a rising senior with a 3.7 GPA, you might have first choice in the housing lottery, but if you are a rising sophomore with a 1.2 GPA, you will not have as many options to choose from. Here is a quick calendar of the housing schedule: Monday, April 8: All theme housing, private room, group housing, and special needs applications are due to Campus life by 4 p.m. Monday, April 15: Super Senior Selection (95 or more credits) Myers Dining Hall Lobby 11-2 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, April 16: Rising Senior Selection (64-94.9 credits) Myers Dining Hall Lobby 11-2 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, April 17: Rising Junior Selection (32-63.9 credits) Myers Dining Hall Lobby 11-2 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. Thursday, April 18: Rising Sophomore Selection (up to 31.9 credits) Myers Dining Hall Lobby 11-2 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. TOMORROW FIRST ANNUAL Spring foririQ Saturday, March 23, 2013 Brevard Lumber Yard Live Bands & a DJ 8 p.m. Tickets $5 Ticket purchase March 18-22 Facebook.com/groups/BCSpringFormal