Volume 78, Issue 28 Web Edition SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935 Don't miss Earthfest on Saturday and Springfest on Sunday this weekend! April 19, 2013 A poem written as a reflection on the Boston Marathon Bombing The City on the Hill By D.E. Snow A man’s blood-stained feet hang from an ambulance It was the first image I saw of Copley Eight year old boy killed in the bombing One of three dead One-hundred and forty five injured Eye witness reports of blood Everywhere, screams and diving under tables They gave their hearts to fear While we outside give ours to anger Because we don’t understand We can’t comprehend how this could happen We a generation who has seen Towers come down One that has seen Columbia’s and Columbine’s Virginia Tech’s, Aurora’s, and Sandy Hook’s. We are a generation who has known tragedy. A generation who is no stranger To the evil, live and well in this world This is a prayer for our generation We will be a generation not known by our wounds But by our scars. A generation marked by healing A generation that shows we can still be hurt A generation who still gets angry At what it doesn’t understand A generation that doesn’t understand evil. Let us be a generation who remembers This image of Copley: The man leaning over Comforting the victim. The passers-by caring for a stranger. The bystander’s embrace. Marvin Lawson (Left to right) Kyle Jackola, Burton Hodges, Patrick Helmick, Rory Northam, Heather Morris, and DeAngelo Smotherson work to clean white boards in MS and MG for their first community service project as a new board. New SGA Board buys into BC By Kyle Jackola staff Writer The newly elected SGA executive board took some time out of their schedules on Thursday to give back to the campus. President Patrick Helmick organized the board to get together and clean white boards in MG classrooms. Helmick said he wanted to start off his presidency right by setting positive example that encourages students to give back to the college. “Brevard College is our home,” said Helmick. “The faculty and staff care about us, and we wanted to do our part to show them that we’re buying in.” The new board spent a few days this week discussing plans and goals for the 2013-2014 semester. Their main focus will promote a positive and healthy image of the college to the surrounding community and students. They hope to get students invested in the town and its residents. “Students play a positive role in advancing the institution and I’m excited to see them take initiative in making this college a better place for everyone,” said Helmick. He and the executive board have high hopes that next year will spark interest in the student body to get out and make a difference on campus and in the community. Admissions office seeks summer tour guides In an emailed announcement this week, the Admissions Office said the college would like to employ “two enthusiastic, hardworking students to help aid us in campus tours and recruit ment events this summer.” According to the email, the term of employment would be between May 17 and July 31. Students would be required to work 15 hours per week in an assigned department in exchange for on-campus housing. Students who do not work the required hours will be asked to leave campus housing and will be responsible for paying any balance due. Vacations and pre-arranged absences must be approved by the department or area, but students will be charged housing during any absence. Any student interested in applying should get in touch with Shane Apps in the Admissions Office, appssp@brevard.edu. To download the application form, see the email sent to BC students by Apps on April 17.