Commencement Issue Voice of the Rivers now pedriiir'Q the Neuse River See pages 12-13 May 9, 2014 The Class of 2014 (Featuring Addison Dent) Addison Dent seized the opportunity at the end of his speech % I Saturday to take a “seifie” with his feilow graduates. Dent, a theatre studies major, was the second of two seniors who spoke at BC’s 2014 commencement ceremony. The eariier speaker, a double major in business and organizationai leadership and in wiiderness leadership and experientiai education, was Eiyse Santorso, who joked in her own speech about Dent’s ceiebrity status. More graduation coverage inside: ■ President Joyce’s “seifie” ■ Graduates’memories of BC ■ Excerpts from speeches ■ More graduation photos ■ Advice to other students