Volume 80, Issue 22 Web Edition SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935 Hey Seniors, See page 2 for Grad Fair Information! March 11, 2015 Record spring enrollment SETC By Jordan Laws staff Writer BC has seen a record enrollment of653 students in spring 2015 that has increased by 12 students overall since spring 2014. A 12 student increase doesn’t seem like a miraculous number but 653 is a number worth remembering. For perspective, in 2005—ten years ago—the total spring student enrollment was 506. This means student enrollment in the spring semester has gradually increased by 147 students over a decade. This is impressive and has required BC to renovate buildings, construct new buildings, and make living space available off- campus because all beds on campus are occupied. “What we want to see is consistent enrollment growth in both new and returning students,” said Vice President of Admissions and Financial Aid, Chad Holt. “The spring enrollment trajectory is definitely going up at a steady pace and that’s what we want. We don’t want an influx of 2,000 students that causes us to lose sight of who we are. We want student enrollment to grow but we want it to be sustained.” If more students enroll on a gradual basis this will require BC to build or acquire new residential space which is an expensive process. Will tuition prices become inflated to pay the bill? “It is unlikely that this will affect tuition costs and it won’t affect the quality of the academics either.” Holt continued. Since there is a steady growth of enrolling students the question of accommodation comes to mind. Do we have places for these new and continuing students to live? Do we need more room or more housing? Is BC doing anything in this regard? “Last year we added Holly Cottage in town, and for fall ’ 16 the plan is to build a new residence hall to not only improve facilities for returning students, but to add room for new students.” Holt said. “I’ve been here 3 years and we’ve spent $250,000 renovating Beam, Jones, and the Cafeteria in that time; we have also decided to open the coffee shop and started planning the new residence hall. We are making great strides, but we still have a long way to go.” It definitely seems that people are getting word of BC’s tantalizing offers of small class sizes, knowledgeable professors, experiential education, and outdoor activities. “We’ve really seen an increase in transfer and local students. We want the local community to know who we are and at least put us on their list; at least take a look at us and not rule us out.” Holt said. “If BC is right for them we want to help them with admission, tuition, scheduling classes and meeting professors. Locals are starting to take a look at us and feel that BC is heading in the right direction under the leadership of President Dr. Joyce.” There are certainly incentives for local students to attend BC; anywhere from the Half off Tuition Scholarship to discounts at most stores in Brevard. “The optimum amount of total students is 1,000 for Brevard to have good finances, great faculty, and good facilities. Again, we don’t want to get there overnight because we want to allow room for growth, both in enrollment and physical space.” Holt said about the ideal conditions for enrollment. Enrollment and retention rates are improving for BC and that’s never a bad thing. It is evident that BC is evolving, improving, and impressing prospective students. Ideally, the enrollment and retention rates will continue to gradually improve. BC offers an active education and autonomy; who doesn’t want that? Fall 2015 Registration is approaching! Remember to eheck with your advisor about preregistration for the fall semester, whieh begins Mareh 23. More instruetions about preregistration, including the day on which you can sign up for classes and how to view the fall course schedule, were emailed to students on Monday—simply search for “registrar” in your Brevard College email. Keep in mind, you cannot enter the housing lottery on April 9 unless you have pregistered for fall classes. or bust Students attend Southeastern Theatre Conference By Alex Webster Arts & Life Editor Over spring break a select group of theatre stu dents, along with their professors, travelled to the medium-sized town of Chattanooga, Tennessee for an extended weekend of learning, interview ing, and recruiting. Eight Brevard College Theatre students spent over half of their spring break bragging on them selves to potential employers, attending riveting workshops taught by faculty and professionals in the business, and engaging in activities centered on theatre. Karen Bennett, Raquan Edwards, Josh Gold stein, Hannah Leonard, Joshua Runkles, Kaylee Smith, Logan Taylor, and Alex Webster all attend ed the conference. They had many opportunities to showcase their talents to big-name companies such as Hershey Park and Disney, along with reputable regional theatres and playhouses across the country. All the students enjoyed the opportunities at the conference and are hearing back from potential employers in many fields such as lighting, sound, general tech, administration, marketing, and stage management. Brandon Smith and Andrea Boccanfuso led the trip, and also recruited high school actors and technicians. The high school students auditioned and some were called back for interviews, where they met with Professor Smith, and BC students for more information. The Friends of Fine Arts (FOFA) generously funded the event, and that is something that the students are grateful for. Brevard is one of the few schools to assist students with travelling costs, and FOFA is a large part of this assistance. Students await responses from potential com panies for job opportunities. They will be hearing back in the next few weeks regarding summer and long term work.