Follow us on Volume 80, Issue 24 Web Edition SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935 @ BCclarion March 25, 2015 New physics minor approved By Hannah Cook staff Writer “We are immersed in physics every day,” explains Dr. Michael Castelaz, a physics profes sor at Brevard College. “Physics has driven the technological revolution we are in right now.” Because of the practical use of understanding the physical world around us and the ability to problem solve that physics allows us to develop, Brevard College has approved Dr. Castelaz’s pro posal for the addition of a physics minor, sched uled to begin in the fall of 2015. This minor will consist of 19 credit hours, 12 of which are to be made up by a required base of three foundational courses: PHY 103: General Physics I, PHY 104: General Physics II and PHY 205: Modem Physics. “Modem physics is a new course we are offer ing,” says Castelaz. “It gets into the very strange world of relativity.” Topics such as quantum mechanics, special relativity and the speed of light will be covered in this course. Though these required classes may sound ‘rigid’ from their course descriptions, Castelaz notes that “they are not dry, all are experiential learning. There is Mike Castelez working with students. room for creativity.” These statements is fully sup ported by students of Dr. Castelaz’s current PHY 104 class in which students design and test their own experiments instead of doing traditional labs. After the 3 foundational classes have been completed, students are able to pick between several other physics courses to cover the re maining 7 credit hours required, including PHY 102: Astronomy, PHY 302: Astrophysics, PHY 304: Electricity and Magnetism and PHY 204 Cosmology, (a current eourse that is offered by Dr. Clarke Wellborn). Additionally, this minor will include an oppor tunity for an independent study, PHY 389. This minor may appeal most to math majors, biol ogy majors, and even business majors. Castelaz explains that for a business major, this would show potential employers that he or she would be competent in interpreting and working with data and would show problem solving abilities of the individual. However, anyone who is curious about the workings of the world would benefit from a physics minor. Dr. Castelaz emphasizes that humans are natu rally curious creatures, made to discover. “Physics gives us that outlet to explore the world around us. It’s not just that physics is important. It’s that physics is part of our lives.” This minor can be declared by students as they make their schedules for the coming fall semester. Psych students represent BC at SEPA conference By Jordan Laws StaffWritei^_ The Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA), had their 61st Annual Meeting in Hilton Head, South Carolina from March 18-21 and a group of BC students along with Dr. Dan Moore, Coordinator of the Psychology Major at BC, presented research there. Hanna Leonard (junior Theatre and Psychology Major), Savannah Calvert (junior Psychology Major), Currin Sessions, Leslie Scholl and Heidi Kaartinen attended the conference and presented their research. They created four posters that represented their research and as people walked around the conference they could stop and ask these students about their work and discoveries. “Psych isn’t a major that gets together a lot,” Calvert said. “SEPA is cool. It’s one weekend where people can be openly nerdy about psy- —f ^ Photo courtesy of Hannah Leonard From left to right: Sessions, Schoii, Leonard, chology.” Savannah is a veteran of SEPA conferences. She has attended the past three and presented four posters at the events. Posters are representations of their research. SEPA is where psychology enthusiasts from all Caivert and Kaartinen at SEPA conference backgrounds meet to discuss current research and developments. Students, graduate students, and professors alike, attend SEPA’s Annual Meetings to discuss anything about psychology. This is an incredible story for BC because these aforemen tioned students have worked hard to obtain entry See SEPA on page 6