Volume 81, Issue 5 Web Edition www.brevard.edu/clarion SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935 Happy Constitution Day! (Turn to the back page for some facts about the Constitution and a quiz) September 17, 2015 BC volunteers time to Mountain Song Fest By Alex Webster Arts & Life Editor BC students volunteered their time during the 10th annual Mountain Song Festival at the Brevard Music Center Sept. 11-13. The students fulfilled the BC motto “Learn in order to serve” through technical theatre work and recycling services. BC Theatre students volunteered throughout the week to help set up the stage, assisted in running the show, and then took down the set after the festival. They were able to work closely with the stage crew who directly taught skills to students, and demonstrated the man nerisms of a professional. Members of BC greens, the campus’ envi ronmental awareness group, participated in an elaborate waste management system coordi nated by BC staff member Beth Banks. Banks has headed Mountain Song recycling since the festival began in 2005. She has streamlined the system to three components: composting, recycling, and landfill. Each waste management station is staffed by a volunteer, often a BC student or faculty member, who has the knowledge to properly sort all of the waste as it being tossed by festival-goers. BC faculty like Michael Cohen and Dr. Resa Chandler worked the stations throughout the weekend. Dr. Chandler was enthusiastic about spending most of the weekend being able to teach the community about recycling. She said, “People stop and talk and BC often comes up. It’s important for faculty to be out here with a service presence.” BC Greens’ co-presidents Jamie Ellisor and Emily Crowley manned recycling stations throughout the weekend. This is Ellisor’s third year working with recycling at Mountain Song Festival. She enjoys how it’s supplementing her education. She said, “I go to a school that has an en vironmentally aware atmosphere- just like Photos courtesy of James Whaley Above: Director of Residence Life, Michaei Cohen voiunteering at a recyciing station. Top right: Tina Beli and community volunteer taking a break to have a iaugh at the Mountain Song Festivai. Bottom right: MS's administrative assistant Beth Banks making sure ali the voiunteers have the supplies they need. the town of Brevard. It’s such an educational opportunity. If 1 didn’t go ot BC and volunteer at events like these, 1 wouldn’t know nearly as much about recycling and composting.” The BC students, faculty, and staff who vol unteered at the Mountain Song Festival, did so for a great cause. All the proceeds from the festival are donated to the Cindy Platt Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Transylvania County. Over the past 10 years, the festival has raised over half a million dollars for the club.