Page 2 Campus News The Clarion \ October 25, 2017 Errors in past issues Corrections and apology from the Editor in Chief I recently learned that The Clarion made a few notable errors in the Oct. 4 edition of the paper, specifically in the “Brevard College pinning ceremony” article. I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about these mistakes and what we are doing to remedy them. One speaker at the event was identified in the article as Christopher Bradley. In fact, his full name as listed on the program is Christopher Bradley Center. We regret the omission of his last name in the article. In addition, references to his speech were not quoted correctly, to the point that parts of it were, according to Center, not recognizable. The Clarion staff member who wrote the article, Florian Peyssonneaux, explained that he used information on the program to identify the speakers, and in writing the article left off Center’s last name, an omission we did not notice during the editing process. Peyssonneaux, who was a senior attending and taking part in the ceremony, also said he did not take notes throughout the whole event, whieh may explain other inaccuracies about Center’s speech. To correct the record, Center sent us a copy of his speech and we have made corrections to the article in the online edition of our Oct. 4 issue. We also wish to acknowledge those corrections in this issue by re-publishing that article (below), and we extend our apologies to Center and anyone else who was confused by the errors in our initial reporting. Finally, Christopher Center also brought to our attention a couple of other errors in earlier editions of The Clarion. In the first issue on Aug. 25, he was incorrectly identified in a photo caption of a group of students experiencing the solar eclipse, and in the Sept. 6 edition, a photo credit incorrectly identified the photographer of a photo of a magic show. In the latter instance, a staff member provided a photo taken by someone else, which isn’t an issue, but did not specify that it was Amanda McBriar’s photo, which is why the photo was incorrectly credited to the staffer. This is my third semester on The Clarion staff, and my first as Editor in Chief. Like all of us on the staff, we are still learning, and sometimes, as with any newspaper, mistakes are made. That does not excuse us, how ever, from trying to correct them when we learn of them and to strive to do better in the future. All Clarion staffers try to uphold professional journalistic standards, and for that reason, we appreciate when our readers let us know when we make mistakes so that we can look into them and make amends if possible. —Jordon Morgan Editor in Chief Brevard College pinning ceremony By Florian Peyssonneaux Opinion Editor Editor’s note: This article was originally published in our Oct. 4 issue. Because of errors in the original publication, we are re-running it in this issue with corrections. Brevard College family weekend was highlighted with the pinning ceremony that took place in the Porter Center on Friday, Sept. 29. This tradition brought together graduating seniors as well as families, friends and teachers. During this day dedicated to seniors, Brevard College organized the senior swag event that was educating students about the graduation cer emony, and the process of becoming an alumn. The Francis Pavilion opened its doors at 4:30 p.m., and after a couple minutes the crowd started to arrive. Seniors and their guests had tables assigned on both floors of the pavilion for the pinning dinner. Soon after 5 p.m. students and guests were invited to take food from the buffet that was set up by the College cafeteria. Then, president David Joyce welcomed people for coming and invited the College’s minister Sharad Creasman to say a blessing. Rev. Creas- man focused on the importance of students future role in the society in his message to the seniors. Margaret Brown, history teacher at BC, had a very emotional speech as she mentioned students’ memories during those past years. Her voice was shaky as she mentioned places where seniors made their best college memories, what they could remember when they were freshmen, or what was the most important thing they learned at BC. The speech was very intense—“If you don’t feel the tears coming, you didn’t pay attention to the speech,” Joyce said. To represent the class of 2018, Christopher Center gave a speech about his college career and how much he has accomplished. When Center first arrived at BC, the college tagline was “Step in, stand out. “What does that even mean?,” he said. “I’m going to a college where their slogan doesn’t even make sense.” But as he thought more about those four words, he decided to take them literally and began “stepping” into things. Now, he is a senior RA, a student representative on the Board of Visi tors, a peer leader for three years, and music coordinator for the Campus Activities Board, he said. “Best of all, I met this awkward gal in my freshman math class that later turned out to be the person I would spend the rest of my life with,” he said. After recounting some of his favorite memories at BC, Center concluded by saying that though college only lasts a few years, by “stepping in” at Brevard College, “I’ve found my voice to stand out.” For the pinning itself Dr. Joyce invited all the seniors to stand up with their Brevard College pin in hand. Then the person who was going to pin them stood. Then, each of them had to say the reason why he or she picked this particular person to be the pinner. For another Brevard tradition, everybody was invited to the president’s house for a dessert reception. “It was for most people the first time they met with me as a freshman at my house for social ice cream gathering. I want to invite you all today so, you can judge for yourself if it is any better,” Joyce said. Afterwards, families were invited to the Tornado Alley for a game of “Family Feud” to finish the evening.