February 19, 2020 | The Clarion Opinion Page 5 Wake up. Democrats! By Eleanor Flannery Sports Editor Once again, it seems as though the DNC is bending over backwards to delegitimize Senator Bemie Sanders’s 2020 Presidential campaign. In 2016, the Democratic Party wanted Hillary Clinton to go up against Trump for the presidency, which successfully screwed over democratic candidate hopeful, Bemie Sanders, who was projected to beat Tmmp according to nearly every poll. Sadly, it feels like a similar story is brewing. In a recent interview with Hillary Clinton by The Hollywood Reporter promoting her new documentary on Hulu, Clinton voiced her thoughts on Sanders. She had the gall to assert that he was unliked throughout the party and used divisive rhetoric in an attempt to slander his name. “Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician,” Clinton said. “It’s all just baloney, and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” When asked by The Reporter recently if that assessment still held, she replied, “Yes, it does.” I was sincerely shocked when she made these claims, especially when considering the fact that Bemie was quick to announce his support of Clinton when she won the nomination in 2016, at the Democratic National Convention. Of course she wasn’t his ideal pick, but he endorsed her because it was the right thing to do; to quote her own campaign’s motto, democrats are “Stronger Together.” Filmmaker, Michael Moore, had some thoughts on Hillary’s attack. “Hillary's comments about Bemie... that only exists to help Donald Trump," Moore said in an interview with MSNBC. "It was divisive, it was cmel and it was a lie." I agree, and according to recent polls, so does the majority of democratic voters, with Bemie recently overtaking Biden on the national level. Bemie specifically appeals to voters aged 18-34, who undoubtedly hold the future of the democratic party. Maybe we should listen to them. As a democrat. I’m frustrated; democrats pride themselves on being the party that is non-divisive, yet actively do things that divide the party. I am sick and tired of it. I want to be enthusiastic about the democratic nominee, and only a few of the remaining hopefuls give me that feeling. I just hope the party will make the right decision. Democrats win elections when voters are excited for a candidate. Past democratic presidents, such as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, capmred voters’ attention, and brought folks out to the polls because they inspired Americans to believe in and advocate for change. I don’t understand why the DNC thinks pushing safe candidates to mn, those like Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar, is the winning route to take in order to get a democrat into the White House in 2020. Unfortunately, I believe neither Biden nor Klobuchar is strong enough to beat Trump. Democrats need someone who is tough, who not only will ignore Trump’s antics on the debate stage, but will excite the party and bring something new to the table. I’m sick of the same-old-same-old; it’s time for change. 'Boys will be boys' By Julie Carter Opinion Editor On Feb. 12, former defensive backs for Ohio State football Amir Riep and Jahsen Wint were arrested for rape and kidnapping following an incident that occurred on Feb. 4. In the allegations, Wint and Riep were said to have forced a woman into vaginal and oral sex before forcing her to say the encounter was consensual on video. The woman was then instructed to shower by the men before they took her home. Ohio State issued a statement following the arrest of Riep and Wint, stating the men were suspended from all campus activities. Ohio State head football coach Ryan Day later dismissed the pair from the football program, citing their failure to “live up to our standards and my expectations.” In court, Karl Schneider, Riep’s attorney, stated that his client was “sad and depressed” over being released from the football program. Both Riep and Wint pled not guilty. Riep’s bond was set at $100,000 while Wint’s was set at $75,000. The judge presiding over the case also stipulated that the men have no contact with each other nor the victim. The pair are also barred from speaking about the victim on social media. Both men have since posted bond. Every part of this case is absolutely outrageous. Ohio State’s first response to two of its students being arrested for felony rape and kidnapping charges was to suspend them from campus activities. Ridiculous. The men didn’t “live up to expectations.” Those are some pretty low expectations. Riep only really cares that he was dismissed from football. Too bad. They were able to post bond within hours. Shameful. Perhaps the most gut-wrenching part of this whole case is none of that though. It is the fact that, while filming the woman they just assaulted, they laughed at her. Laughed. How self-assured does one have to be that they feel confident enough to film another human being they just hurt? The laughter rubs salt into the open wound of the pain they just inflicted. Riep and Wint must have felt so self-confldent, hiding behind the mentality of “boys will be boys.” We as a society have given too many men a pass behind this false sense of “justice.” We hide behind the all-too-thin veil of “innocent until proven guilty” while failing to recognize the human being behind the crime. Women are not your victims, your things that have been defiled. They are people. If you are not outraged on that basis alone, you surely need to reevaluate your true sense of morality. Photo from InsideHook