Page 6 Opinion The Clarion \ April 15,2020 With Sanders out of the race, Democrats must stick together By Eleanor Flannery staff Writer Last Wednesday, Bemie Sanders announced the suspension of his 2020 presidential campaign. I was disappointed, to say the least, like many others who supported Bemie. I’ve been a fan of his since he first announced his candidacy, when he first ran back in 2015. He was the first politician to get me interested in politics. He inspired me; he opened my eyes to the terrible injustices many Americans face on a daily basis. I believed in his vision of a better America, and desperately wanted to see him be president. With that being said, and as bitter as it was for me to watch Sanders’s announcement, I can’t say that I was shocked that his campaign came to a close. He was, after all, polling substantially behind Joe Biden, and, to me, his resignation seemed inevitable. The party was against Bemie from the start, and they simply were not going to give him the support he deserved. While young voters were certainly behind Bemie, it was never going to be enough. Bernie has since endorsed Joe Biden for Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden during a break at the Democratic presidential primary debate on Feb. 25, 2020 in Charleston, South Carolina. Following his withdrawal from the race last week, Sanders on Monday formally endorsed Biden for the Democratic nomination for president. president and has encouraged his supporters to get behind the former vice president as well, since Biden is the presumptive nominee to ran 5 I' orr y , ki d roHiha in "four a See yoi years whehT o'f yo stone! — Sam HIpp against Donald Tmmp. It will be difficult for me to vote for Joe in November, but I know it’s the best decision I can make to ensure I do everything in my power to prevent Donald Tmmp from becoming a two-term president. A lot of Bernie supporters do not share this sentiment. I recognize that it is hard for such staunch supporters to commit to voting for Joe, but, like me, they have to realize it is in their own best interests to do so. The shared goal among most democrats, if not all, is defeating Donald Tmmp. So how does that happen? It happens by voting for the most viable candidate in the general election. Like it or not, it’s looking like it’s going to be Biden. We cannot have a repeat of 2016; if democrats (especially young voters and Bemie supporters) sit this election out, Tmmp will have another four years in the White House. We need to unite. The “never Joe’’ people need a reality check. Is he the ideal democratic candidate? Of course not! But he’s all we’ve got left. The priority is getting the, as Bill Maher put it, “Tangerine Nightmare” out of office. If anti- Tmmp voters and democrats can’t unite over a candidate, then they can kiss that idea goodbye. And I’m not saying voters should fall slave to a single party, but I think it is clear that one bad candidate is a hell of a lot worse than the other.