CGA also feels the need for opportunities for people to social ize in a non-oppressive atmosphere. To meet that need, we sjwnsor dances or coffeehouses each month, and smaller social hours on a weekly basis. These are completely open to anyone who wishes to at- tend.'^as are all CGA events, and provide a more informal opportunity for exchange and interaction between the gay and straight communities. CGA also sponsored the first Southeastern Gay Conference, held at UNC-CH in April. Hundreds attended a weekend of workshops, panel discussions, and lectures from well-known speakers. And plans already underway for the second Southeastern Gay Conference, scheduled for the spring of 1977. This is who, what, and where CGA is. We are working many long, hard hours in hopes of bringing about a better between the students of UNC, and our work has not been without reward. peer counseling Peer counseling is available for male homosexual problems at the Human Sexuality Information and Counseling Service in the Student Union. Our service is a general sex counseling service, and we have dealt with problems of male homosexuals since February of 1972. A client may be seen by a counselor who is identified as gay or non-gay, depending on the client's desires and/or the counselor's com fort with counseling in this area. In either case one first needs to get a thorough picture of the irmiediate problem including situations and reactions to situations. ^ Next it may be useful to get a social and sexual history — a client s ability to deal constructively with problems in the sexual area is most often related to the rigidity, both of family and religion, ex perienced during his formative years.