LAMBDA vol. 1 no. 2 PAGE FIUE October, 1976 HOMOSEXUAL MATRIX (continued) might hav/e been a chapter on the gay liberation movement which reached its peak during the middle of Tripp’s ten year project (and did a lot to create a climate amenable to the finan-cial success of Tripp's book). Surprisingly, gay liberation is given a quick aside, Tripp's style is urbane and clever. However, he fails at what he set out to do. The book is anything but a matrix, more a plug for "respectable homosexuality" without rocking the boat. To obtain a true matrix, try reading Tripp in conjunction with Kate Millett's SEXUAL POLITICS and Dennis Altman's HOMOSEXUAL." LIBERATION AND OPPRESSION. After reading Millett, no one can unquestioningly accept anything that a man writes about males and females, sexual roles and "the way it is." Much of what Tripp writes about the psychology of straight and gay men and women is seen with its patriarchal clothing stripped away, once we look with Millet's eyes. The most salient contrast between Tripp and Altman lies in their respective solution to the homosexual's struggle in a hostile environment. Vihere Altman stresses the development of"resistance and consciousness, Tripp lauds the socially intergrated homosexual who handles hostility with clever retorts, always "retaining his spontanaiety and avoiding flagrant confrontations." This is cut from the same cloth as the male psychiatrists who tell women who have been "fucked over'’ oy pacriarchy that they: must learn to adjust,' not' resist. Altman notes, "it is a strange paradox that homosexuals, who suffer from the opprobrium of respectable society, are often its most stalwart defenders," METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH The Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) has recently given recognition to a local study group in the Triangle Area, St, John's MCC of Raleigh (Study Group) meets every Sunday for worship at 3 PM at the Presbyterian Church Student Center on the North Carolina State Campus, The church is located just down from the intersection of Horn Street and Hillsborough Street, The group also meets once during the week for Bible studies and discussions. If you would like to make a contribution to LAMBDA, send your articles or ideas to Box 39, Carolina Student Union.