Ti II PAGE TWO PRESIDENTIAL NOTES — by Howard Fradkin Sunday marked the first National Tea Dance in this area. The music u/as hot—and so luas the crowd, (208 strong I), CGA representatives Jerry L,, John W., Johnny C., P, Allen; and Larry B. helped me at the door along with two local Nationar Task Force members from the Raleigh area, YOU can help too (see separate article) ! I promise you 11 have a hot time at the next Tea Dance, this Sunday and every Sunday at the Capital Corral and Glitter Gulch! CGA profit from this first Tea Dance was 031,051!! All money collected by CGA will qo toward the 2nd Annual Southeastern Gay Conference, slated for Aoril 1-3, here in Chapel Hill, ^ Tu sp®3Jfng engagements have been pouring in lately. The Student Health Service had me over one lunch hour to speak to the physicians after they had received several complaints from gay students about treatment received there. I^found the physicians, nurses and psychiatrists there to be really receptive, actually, ' Only one physician'^Was. clearly homophobic—and he was amply challenged by the rest of the physicians present. I*d like to especially ^ recognize Dr, McFarland for his open-mindedness and acceptance. He was as amazed as I was by a few of the comments. Judy C. and I did another successful outreach for the North Campus R.A.»s several weeks ago. I was told afterwards that this meeting was the liveliest meeting they had had all year!’ Word has now Craige dorm has requested a similar outreach for November Bv and I had fun assisting with a Sexual Attitude Reassessment Workshop in Raleigh for the Association of Couples for Marriage Enrichment. = Wo helped with the section of the workshop on homosexu- real pleased that some of the couples were very open owm homosexual .feelings and experiences. In appreciation for our help, the sponsors, the Fleming Clinic, donated 050 to the North,Carolina Gay Union. Thank you Paul and'Dini'Fleming! ^ -.. I^was a little disappointed with our November dance. The crowd was .only half ,the size of the,one in October. If you have suggestions can bring in the crowds, let me know! Our next dance is our Christmas celebration. Here are some-ideas I have on how YOU can help: •: ‘ Talk it up! Bring a friend, or two or three* /Donate decorations for the nite. We don't have money to buy them and’I know you have them stored in' your attic! Please lend .them, to us for the night so- our dance floor can glitter too If yo,U;don't have decorations to donate, then volunteer to helo us decorate-the nite of the dance'. - ^ call (5! ;(3) (O (5): liark it-onyoUr calendar-nou/, 'gang! ! ! , Don't daldy. It's ..scheduled for-December ,4th, 10 Noiu—you know about .it ■ U/ay ahead of tiiije, so I don't uiant 1;o.:hear any excuses. Let's make this dance'cur.-biggest dance, yet.! Oh yes. One more' way to help---PU8LICITY. We always need people to .help design and/or put up posters around campus. To help on publicity, see Tom, Dean, or Karen,