j THE NEWSLETTER OF THE CAROLINA GAY ASSOCIATION VGl. 2 No. 3 May 1977 Special Conference Edition HOW WE DID STRAIGHT MEDIA PUBLICITY FOR THE SOUTHEASTERN GAY CONFERENCE Tx'^o persons made coordinating coverage of the Conference a lot easier and deserve "warm thanks. Tom Carr*s "work on Gay Media, including preparation of four initial press releases, provided our first materials for nexiis articles. And Mitchell Simon of the Univer sity Press Bureau supported our efforts by x^riting final drafts of two straight press releases and a public service announcement, and by dis tributing through tne News Bureau mailings — a total of 455 releases, announcements, and schedules. Ideal timing for the releases would have been 3-| X'leeks before the conference. For various reasons, xje did not make these deadlines. A major delay x/^as the time needed for in formation-gathering on speakers. Conference organizers had been^ polled on speakers, x-^orkshop leaders, and participants of potential interest to the press. These x^ere then X'^ritten and asked for mini- biographies, descriptions of conference presentations, and times of interviex^ availability. Late return of this information delayed our second press release until days before April 1, lox-'jering our coverage considerably. Telephone checking on receipt of releases and planned coverage by media outlets is an effective technique for increasiing press axjareness cf an event. Ideal times for calling are one x^ieek in advance for nex-jspapers and for media outside the area; for local radio and tele- "vision, tx-^o or three days' telephone notice is sufficient in addition to advance releases. We prepared a calling list of 40 target media outlets from the Standard Rates and Data Service listings of commer cial media. . The SRDS lists are excellent sources because they give circulation figures for papers and program descriptions for radio and television stations. They do not, however, list college and non commercial media; our coverage from these sources X'jas, as a result, "Weak, ( cont. on page five) CGA ELECTS NEW OFFICERS CGA officers for the upcoming year were elected at the April 18 meeting. They are; Karen Peterson, president; Jerry Pierce, Jr., Vice-President; and Ken Ho3sclaw, Treasurer.