,ii 2 Conference 3 Prisoners 5,6,8 Notes 9 In Print s'Sll m J 4^719 7 9 Vo3 . A Ko. 3 CAROLINA GAY ATjSOCIATION Rox y) Cnrolinn Union ChapeJ Hill N.C 2751A The CGA is an official student orp.anization at the University of North Carolina at Chapel. Hill Call 929-A997 (even Inps) Editor: Stuart Nells GGA Pres, : Dax^id Nnudsen '^hat do a former professional clovm and a Vietnam Vet have in common? Both run gay bars locally. Brucf Durbin, the vet, was discharped from the U S. Air Force and told that his off-hours social life roipht be embarrassinr, to the military. Durbin •fafmraged Christopher's, a bar and discotheque ^ the Chapel Hlll-Durhan Boulevard, since its opening, in Julv 1D77. He was also the first manager flueheriy HI 11. a gay disco located In the building n^focc^lcd by the Blair House Restaurant across from. South Square Mall, Durham. please turn to page 10. y_Fdltor'.s Mote to JUHmDA’s^s^uliscrlb^s lambda’s anpeal for your money continues with this issue. We extend a hig thanks to all have alreadv mailed in a dollar or more to help LAMBDA meet its rising production costs, “d ask th.st evervone. who has not yet pa o , so we can make IJ^MBDA a better source of local news and thought. 14 « irn-triTi Bec.ause our mailbox at the Carolina Dnion wa. closed DFC. 21-JA-N. S, wc have not yet begun to cut off non-paying siibseribers (orf-anizations and prisoners arc exempt). Please «rite us soon. (Checks should be wade out to the CCA.} And please consider contributing some words (or dravTinr. and ph.otos - we nw the cabability to reproduce these too for our next and subsequent issues. Next deacllne. Feb. 25. Tlave a good winter. □ ii .E