rrrrr n ■'6 Vol. 5, No. 1 Qat)lina G^yA§§oclatioi\.]S[s:w8letter September 1979 ^Event Of The Decade^ March Gears Up For Action The National March on Washington^ D.C. for lesbian and gay rights on October 14 is heralded as "the nat ional gay rights event of the decade." It marks the tenth anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. The purpose of the march is to end all social, economic, judicial, and legal oppression of gay people. Final plans are being set on the national, state, and local levels. Any queries concerning housing, trans portation, or the program should be to Duke Gay Alliance, 684-3043 be- 7130 p.m. and 9i30 p.m. , Sunday through Thursday; to East Carolina Gay Community N.C. March Committee, 919-752-6088, 24 hours a day; or to the National Logistics Office, 202- 789-1070. The weekend program will include: - a National Democratic Party Gay Caucus, - a "Night Before" disco, rock, jazz, and bluegrass festival, - a National Gay Business Break fast on October 13, - a sunrise religious service, - the march, - a rally. - Ballet Truckadero, - speakers on October 14, - Congressional lobbying visits on October 15, - the National Third World Lesbian and Gay Conference from October • 12 to 15, and - an International Gay Sports Expo. The speakers, who have been invited but have not yet accepted, include Jane Fonda, Gov, Jerry Brown, Sen. Ted Kennedy, Pres. Carter, and Bella Abzug. The march will start and end at the base of the Washington Monument. In the afternoon, the speakers will discuss gay rights. The leading contingent will be the third world lesbians, followed by the handicapped on vehicles provided by the organizers. Marshals for internal security and medical personnel will accompany the march. Emergency vehicles will be available- The organizers are contract ing vendors, who sell vegetarian and health foods for the march and rally. October 15 is the National Constit uent Lobby Day. Supporters have been asked to make appointments with their (March cent* p*6) Anti-Gay Lobbies Join Forces m Two anti-gay lobbies have been formed in Washington, D.C. on the heels of the organization of "Chris tian Voice" (Lambda, Jime '79). Op erating out of Virginia, the two new groups, called "The Moral Majority" and "One Nation Under God," have united in calling for a national march on Washington in April 1980. According to Steve Edean, exec utive director of the Gay Rights National Lobby, "Christian Voice" is considering joining the march effort, which organizers hope will bring over one million fundamental ists to Washington from across the country. In a related development, Rep. Larry McDonald (D-Ga) has intro duced a resolution which would put Congress on record as opposing "special consideration or protected status" for lesbians and gay men. The real danger, according to Edean, lies in the bill's potential for "creating the 'climate' for ac tion on basic civil rights for this nation's lesbians and gay men." t "I am sure that 'Christian Voice will use this legislation to mobil ize anti-lesbian and gay male senti ment around the country and stop the progress of our civil rights struggle." The bill. House Concurrent Reso lution 166, has been referred to the Judiciary Subcommittee on Con stitutional cind Civil Rights. It ii chaired by Rep. Don Edward (D-Ca), co-sponsor of HB 2074, the federal gay rights measure. Edward said that McDonald's bill would go "no where" in ccmmiitteei (Sources: GCN 8/11/79, 8/18/79, Advocate 9/6/79). mil ii® ill. W'"' y I