8 From the Desk of the Chair on the Couch Well, I, the blond(e) on the couch (final "e" under debate), am back from a wonderful summer of doing not all that much (or many) and a pretty wonderful first half of fall being not the CGLA administrative coordinator but rather the chairperson, therefore the chair on the couch. First, I'd like to say how pleased I am that the Membership Drive Week was so successful. We now have about 103 members (isn’t that just like me, saying "about 103"), and we hope to get that number over 200 by budget time. So, if you are reading this and have not joined, send your name, phone number, and the all-important $2 to CGLA. Better yet, stop by our "closet," i.e., our office in Room 230 of the Union, Monday - Friday from around 10 to 2). We need everyone's support, straight or gay, student or "regular person." Being a member will keep you up with what's going on — not to mention it pays our phone bill. Spealcing about money, I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who helped last year in getting CGLA funded. You may have read in The Front Page, the Advocate, or the Daily Tar Heel about the long and bloody battle with the CGC over our funding (see article about Students for America elsewhere in this issue). Without the help of many supporters, we would never have succeeded. The list of those who were influential is long, so this may not be complete: David Brady, CGC Finance Chair; Tom Vlcek and Jay Goldring, Finance Committee members; Patricia Wallace, Student Body President; the Black Student Movement; the Association for Women Students, who fought for us even though they had been defunded; the literary magazine Cellar Door and the Campus Y for refusing funds so that we could have some money; the Daily Tar Heel for covering everything so well; Brad Torgan, of course; and, most importantly, each and every person who sat through the 16-hour meeting on April 18 to show the CGC that people really were interested in the survival of CGLA. This brings me, the hlonde on the couch (what the hell, use the "e") to a very important and serious point. Next February's elections are going to decide our fate in next spring's budget hearings. I'd like to see a CGLA supporter, or better yet member, run in each district—on-campus, off-campus, and graduate—so that when next April comes we won't be in last year's position. Please, if you are a student, find out what district you are in and consider running! The least you can do is find out if a candidate supports CGLA, and vote in February. The Campus Governing Council has a lot more power than people think. On to lighter subjects...a few quick notes: I expect all of you to be at the Halloween party (call 929-1611 or 962-4401 for details). Yes, I am a natural blonde. And finally, Cathy has not changed her name again this week. Until next time, remember my mother’s advice, "Find yourself a doctor but go to his (And to mom's for Christmas, of course.) -Jim Duley parents for Thanksgiving." Subscriptions A year's subscription to Lambda is only $4. Each issue will be mailed to you in a plain envelope, via bulk mail. Just fill in the info below, clip it and mail it along with your check or money order drawn to Lambda or CGLA. Name^ Address City State ZIP Date Return to: _ LAMBDA/CGLA Box 39 Carolina Union 65A Amt._ UNC-CH Chapel Hill, MC 27514 Init.. 1 Please notify us when you change addresses because the USPO charges us for address corrections. JOE HERZENBERG for Chapel Hill Town Council Joe supports: • a limit on growth of our town • civil rights for all citizens • parks, open space, greenways • moderate-income housing • our town bus system • open and responsive town government Tuesday, Nov. 5 Polls open 6:30 a.m. to 7:30p.m. Paid political advertisement by Joe Herzenberg for Town Council