LAMBDA The Carolina Gay & Lesbian Association Newsletter Volume 15, Number 3 March 1989 The Carolina Gay. Lesbian and Bisexual Rssociation?? ,■ r Lesbian Association becoa» the Carolina Oay, lesbian and BUexu.1 Association? The Should the carotin, ^ ^etinss. According to our By-laus, a nas» chan,e uould have to be question has come up at recent Ma g -^p-tina then at two open menijership meetings, and finally by the at^iroved by a "ahbBA to' open a discussion on the subieot; check the lesbian and Gay :™7eX«hIie forliscussions on Bisexuatity. tf there-s continuin, interest in a nabe chanse, ue-t. schedule votes for meetings in the fall semester. Antl-CGLBA Since 1972 CGLA has been the voice of Lesbians and Gay men on the UNC campus. Often CGLA has been the only voice which seeks to defend us from the discrimination we face as Gay men and women. Throughout our history many, many bisexuals have been active members who have both contributed to the goals of CGLA and received support from the organization. I believe that all of CGLA's membership and services should continue to involve bisexuals. However, I think CGLA's name should continue to reflect the fact that we exist to support students involved in Lesbian and Gay life and relationships. continued on page 7 PRO-CGLBA Should UNC-CH join the growing number of universities (such as UC-Berkeley and UM-Amherst) whose gay and lesbian organizations include ”Bisexual" in their names? By changing the Carolina Gay and Lesbian Association to the Carolina Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Association, we would benefit not only those individuals who see themselves as Bisexuals, but the organization well. as The addition of the word "Bisexual" would make the organization more inclusive: it would welcome more people, rather than leaving those who continued on page 8 CGLR—Get With Itll Hello. This is Keely, CGLA Publicity Chair, and Liz, CGLA Co-chair. We are Very glad that you are reading this issue of LAMBDA. We'd like to take this opportunity to address the topic of membership involvement. Now, some things have gone very well this year: lambda readership is up, CGLA membership is constant, the Romanovsky and Phillips concert and the Halloween Dance were both very successful, drawing big crowds. We are pleased about these things. But attendance at the General Body meetings and other dances is down, and at the Lesbian lunches is irregular. We'd like to know why some things are working really ^ell and others aren't. Thus, we are trying to open the lines of communication between readers and staff in the form of this questionaire. Since you are reading LAMBDA, please take the time to fill out this questionaire, so we can find new ways to serve you. Quest ionaires can be dropped by the CGLA office--216B Student Union--or sent to us via campus mail. This is vour organization--use it! I continued on pago ^ /