i Welcome to the last Issue of LAMBDA for 1988-89. I'm about to lose my soapbox, and I may regret in later years that I was so subtle as to restrict myself to soliciting and shaping other people's words and paraphrasing press releases. So here's the beginning of a new LAMBDA tradition--the editorial. First, my awards. After wishing all year that more people were active in CGLA, I realize now that there are people who have worked hard for us who I never encountered. So behind-the- scenes is some of our work. .. But Liz and Patrick get big prizes for all their in-front-of-the-cameras work, flirting with the press and making us look respectable even when we took on commitments we regretted. Pippa took on the unfun duty of balancing our books and responded to uncounted midnight calls for outreaches. Other management board members--Greg, Keely, JR, to name a few--made parties, lunches, and outreaches happen, and made sure people came to them. Many others participated in outreaches and awareness week events, contributed articles to LAMBDA, and filled office hours. Mike is probably glad to be free of LAMBDA*s subscriptions list, and JS is happy she won't be subjected to any more paste-ups. We all had far too many arguments to confirm suspicions that at the core of CGLA lies a clique, but having things worth arguing about is part of what makes working with the group rewarding. Until the last couple of weeks, this has been a quiet year for the gay- bashers. It's been a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it makes our personal lives more pleasant and frees up our energy for the things we' d rather be doing--social and educational events. On the other hand, people have a way of rallying around when CGLA is under attack. That means more people are around to contribute their energy when we have to spend all that energy on the people who--to say the least--don't appreciate our work. Foul weather friends? It's great to see supporters from all corners when things get nasty, but we jealously eye that energy and dream of being able to tap it for things like outreaches and educational programs. To all of you who have written positive letters to the DTH editor and defended CGLA in discussions with your friends--Thanks--we depend on our defenders, gay and straight alike-- and we hope you give some thought to joining us in our more constructive and positive work in the fall! And a word to my special constituency: graduate students. Man]Jr of you are dues-paying but inactive members--you want to support CGLA, but dances in Craige don't seem up your alley. I'll admit it, I skip those dances too. But I think graduate students have a special attachment to the idea of education, and the fact that more of us are out, stable, and comfortable puts us in a special position to contribute. Most of CGLA's money and energy goes into educational projects like LAMBDA, awareness week, outreaches, and talking to people who come by or call the office to discuss gay and lesbian issues. Some of these activities are rather public; others can be entirelly anonymous. They ^ fit in with your married or otherwise grown-up lifestyles, they're fun, and we could use you. Don't forget--march in Raleigh in June- -and we'll see you in the fall! continued from page 10 undergraduates. Other common responses were that the CGLA was no fun and that it is too cliquish. It is true that the CGLA is not always fun--it's often a lot of work- -but I would never characterize the active members as a clique. Although one person didn't like the CGLA because he said it legitimized homosexuality, my survey was encouraging, overall, in that most people thought the CGLA was important and wanted it to continue to exist. The people who said that the CGLA was too out were asked if occasional off- campus meetings would be more attractive to them. Most said that they would consider going to an off- campus meeting. In the future we'll try to have off-campus meetings, in addition to the meetings on campus. We want your feedback as well. If you have any comments or suggestions of your own, please write or call us. And if you intend to be here over the summer and would like to be involved with the CGLA or kept informed of events and parties, please call or come by the office and give us your name and phone number. Have a healthy and happy summer--! look forward to seeing you in the future. --Patrick Lamerson