I n an effort to keep you more in touch with the editors of Lambda, we’ve decided to add the “Co-Editors Corner” to our regular publication! In the future, we plan upon using this section ^ to convey our thoughts, ideas, and opinions on — ^ current events, opinions, and other miscel laneous happenings within the gay and lesbian community. Do you have Lambda-related comments, questions, or suggestions? E-Mail them along with your letter to the Editors via lambda@email.com! We’re looking forward to hearing from you\ ^ ..A personal Issue Ask any gay or lesbian what one of the most difficult moments of their life has been, and you will most likely hear the story of when they decided to disclose their sexual orientation. For gays, "coming out," is a uniquely personal experience in becoming at ease with their homosexuality. Before coming out, many gays constantly say to themselves "it isn't important that they know," or "it shouldn't change anything, anyway." If it truly isn't important, and if it honestly wouldn't change anything, why would someone spend so much energy withholding the truth? Coming out allows you to do many things. It enables you to share more of yourself and your life with those around you and allows them to know your true self. The important people in your life are now more available, and can be given a real opportunity to support you. While the rewards for being truthful with yourself are appeasing, we all know that there PAGE 14 R. Lee Frisby, Jr. ] are negative consequences at times, as well. Not everyone likes hearing the truth. It is once that you have taken your step toward personal growth that you must use the added self-respect to pragmatically handle the consequences. Remember that everyone lives with prejudice. Our world is one filled with hatred and fear in which people choose not to know one another. Gays are everywhere—found in every profession on every level. Gays touch the lives of countless people each day without the knowledge of their sexual orientation. Love flows more easily between you and others when the barriers that you have constructed are removed. Trusting yourself can sometimes be a difficult thing to do; listen to your heart and make your decisions wisely. Realize that while the inner voice is outwardly inaudible, it speaks volumes within us and pleads to be recognized. R. Lee Frisby, Jr. (peachynineteen @ hotmail.com) (End of Article)Mli We want to hear your coming-out stories! Submit yours today to be included in an upcoming issue. Iambda@email .com